
Client Counseling Competition

Members of the Nevada bar are needed to judge the students’ performances.

Update (10/19/2023): Registration form is now closed. We have enough volunteers. Thank you!

The CCBA’s New Lawyers Committee organizes volunteers for the student competitions held by the UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law.

25th Annual Client Counseling Competition

Members of the Nevada bar and bench are sought to volunteer to judge the students’ performance in the competition.

Friday October 20, 2023 (6:00pm-8:30pm)
Saturday October 21, 2023 (9:00-10:30am)
UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law

The Client Counseling competition provides 1L and 2L students at Boyd their first opportunity to practice their interpersonal skills, as future attorneys, through a consultation with a mock client.

1L and 2L students form teams of two and consult with a mock client. The mock client has been given a detailed fact pattern to work from. The student-teams do not know this fact pattern, and it is their goal to elicit as many facts and issues during a fifteen-minute interview of the mock client. Points are also awarded for maintaining a professional demeanor throughout.

It is the role of the judge to observe student-teams assigned to them and score them on both their interpersonal communication skills and their ability to find potential legal issues from the mock client’s fact pattern.

Each student-team will have roughly fifteen minutes to consult with the mock client. The judge will then have a few minutes to score the team and then will have five minutes to provide constructive feedback to the competing teams.

Volunteers should be Nevada attorneys, judges or mediators. Judging the competition qualifies as pro bono service!

For more information and to sign up to judge the competition, complete the form below.

Update (10/19/2023): Registration form is now closed. We have enough volunteers. Thank you!