Pro Bono Opportunities for Attorneys

Members of the Clark County Bar Association are invited to celebrate pro bono by giving support to the following agencies per the Nevada Rules of Professional Conduct (NRPC 6.1 through 6.5):

Nationwide Efforts

Monthly, the National Association of Black in Criminal Justice (NABCJ) is looking for volunteer attorneys to participate in its monthly attorney counseling sessions in its Legal Resource Clinic. Participating lawyers meet with people who have what they believe to be legal issues, oftentimes involving discrimination or other civil rights matters. After reviewing the file, the participating attorney meets with the complainant to discuss the matter, and possibly refer the person or persons to attorneys who may be interested in taking the case. Participating in the NABCJ program does not obligate the attorney to any further or future representation. For more details, please contact: Allen Lichtenstein, 702-433-2666,

Each October, the American Bar Association holds a special campaign to celebrate pro bono. “Celebrate Pro Bono” encourages attorneys to perform pro bono legal services in their communities. To see a map of pro bono events happening in your state, visit

Agency Listings

Please contact the agency directly for more information and to confirm any opportunities for members of the bar to provide pro bono service and/or support for their programs and services.

If you would like to have your agency’s information added to this database or if your agency’s information needs to be updated, please contact the Clark County Bar Association, (702) 387-6011 or email CCBA.