
ABA Bar Leader Spotlights Clark County Bar’s Diversity Committee

We are pleased to share the news that the CCBA’s efforts to focus on diversity and inclusion, along with those by other small bar associations, are in the national spotlight.

We are pleased to share the news that the CCBA’s efforts to focus on diversity and inclusion, along with those by other small bar associations, are in the national spotlight.

Annette Bradley

Annette Bradley, the chair of CCBA’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee for Equity Committee (DICE), was interviewed recently by a reporter from Bar Leader, a publication of the American Bar Association. The story is part of larger one that Bar Leader is focusing their attention.

When presented with the news of the published interview, our local bar’s leaders commented with congratulations.

CCBA’s Past President (’20) Mariteresa Rivera-Rogers commented, “From the time I asked Donna to put this item on the Board’s agenda to the formation of the committee with the help of Executive Board members, like Paul Ray and Paul Lal. Then, to Annette Bradley accepting to chair it, to where DICE is today it is truly amazing progress and deserving of recognition.”

“Very nice. I’m so proud of our organization both locally and state wide that this program is helping all of us to be better leaders and members of our society,” commented Eric Dobberstein, immediate past president of the State Bar of Nevada.

Bradley said, “I too am very proud of this committee. We’ve accomplished quite a bit. And, we’re not done yet!”

Learn more about what Annette has to say in the article, “Small but powerful: National events spur local bars to focus on diversity, equity and inclusion” by Dan Kittay. (Bar Leader, January-February 2022). See https://www.americanbar.org/groups/bar_services/publications/bar_leader/2021_22/january-february/small-but-powerful-national-events-spur-local-bars-to-focus-on-diversity-equity-and-inclusion/.

The committee is working to plan events for bar members during the coming year. All CCBA members are welcome to attend DICE meetings. The committee meets online, via Zoom, on the last Friday of the month. Learn more about DICE at https://clarkcountybar.org/about/committees/.

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