This is an extract from CCBA’s CLE Article #10.*
Discovery Commissioners Erin Lee Truman and Jay Young recently taught a series of CLE courses on ADR and Discovery to great acclaim (Editor’s Note: Actually, they made us say that). Here at the CCBA, we want all attorneys, even those who were not able to attend the seminars, to benefit from the Commissioners’ practical counsel to keep us all out of hot water when involved in a discovery dispute. You want to stay out of hot water, don’t you? Then read on, friend.
The course materials from the Commissioners’ recent seminars can be found at They will also be available on the court’s website at Keep these materials as a handy reference guide for when you and your staff prepare your next discovery matter. Learn what actually constitutes a meaningful, good faith meet and confer, pursuant to EDCR 2.34. Discover the new requirement by the Court of Appeals regarding court orders and the Rule 26 proportionality factors and why you should always include them in your motions. Decide if the Commissioner can hear your motion to continue trial. Avoid pitfalls and mistakes.
But wait! That isn’t all. If you keep reading, you can also earn CLE credit. That’s right. We know you know the drill by now. Read the materials. Take the Test. Complete the order form. Suddenly you will appear more attractive (satisfaction not guaranteed), obtain CLE credit, and may better advocate for your clients in discovery disputes (satisfaction not guaranteed).
About the authors
Jay Young is an ADR/Discovery Commissioner for the Eighth Judicial District Court. He enjoys moonlit nights and Bluejeans hearings.
Erin Truman is an ADR/Discovery Commissioner for the Eighth Judicial District Court. Prior to her appointment, she was a litigator in Las Vegas for 25 years during which time she tried in earnest to avoid discovery disputes.
*About the CCBA’s Article #10, “Wanna Stay Out of Trouble in Discovery? ”: The Clark County Bar Association (CCBA) offers 1.0 Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Credit to Nevada lawyers who complete the test and order form per the offer described in the October 2021 issue of Communiqué. See pp. 22-27. The CCBA is an Accredited Provider with the NV CLE Board.

About this article: This article was originally published in the “Family Law” issue of Communiqué, the official publication of the Clark County Bar Association, (October 2021). See
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