Las Vegas Justice Court Admin Order #23-05

On July 9, 2023, Chief Justice of the Peace Cynthia Cruz of the Las Vegas Justice Court filed an order in the administrative matter regarding Photographing, Filming, and Recording Non-Proceedings Within Public Areas of the Las Vegas Justice Court. See LVJC Administrative Order #23-05.

On July 9, 2023, Chief Justice of the Peace Cynthia Cruz of the Las Vegas Justice Court filed an order in the administrative matter regarding Photographing, Filming, and Recording Non-Proceedings Within Public Areas of the Las Vegas Justice Court. See LVJC Administrative Order #23-05.

The order cites the Eighth Judicial District Court’s Administrative Order #23-04 which sets forth a new “Rule Regarding Photography, Filming, or Recording” within “the Eighth Judicial District Court Courthouses and Rule 6.5 of the Justice Court Rules of the Las Vegas Township (JCRLV).

The order states that photography, filming, or recording in the public areas of the Las Vegas Justice Court is strictly prohibited except as authorized by the Chief Judge of the Las Vegas Justice Court or of the Las Vegas Justice Court Administrator. The order includes definitions, locations, and penalties for violations of the rule.

Additionally, the order states,

“In the event of a conflict between this Administrative Or5der and Eighth Judicial District Court Administrative Order #23-04, the provisions of the Eighth Judicial District Court Administrative Order #23-04 shall be controlling.”

The order became effective immediately and shall remain in effect unless and until (1) this Administrative Order is rescinded or (2) the Las Vegas Justice Court enacts a local rule which supersedes this Administrative Order.

For more information about the exceptions and to read the full text of the order, review the LVJC AO #23-05, available as a PDF to download here: LVJC-AO-23-05.pdf or from the court’s website at

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