Mental Health CLE Program for Nevada Lawyers on April 27, 2022

On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, Las Vegas psychiatrist Aviv Itzhaki, MD will make a special presentation for the continuing legal education of Nevada lawyers in a program produced by the Clark County Bar Association and sponsored by WestPac Wealth Partners. This FREE lunchtime learning event (via Zoom) offers 1.0 hour of Substance Abuse/Addiction/Mental Health (AAMH) CLE credit (NV) and is for CCBA members only.

Areas of Practice Listings Offer Update

CCBA’s current members, who are licensed attorneys, can get listed via area of practice (AOP) in the Discovery issue of COMMUNIQUÉ magazine (May 2022). To benefit from this special offer*, the CCBA member must complete the Areas of Practice form prior to the published deadline. The deadline to participate has been extended to April 5, 2022. No foolin’. 🖐🙂