CCBA President James Harper invites members of the bar to participate in a 21-Day Challenge starting Monday, February 8, 2021. For 21 days, do one action to further your understanding of power, privilege, supremacy, oppression, and equity. Learn about the CCBA’s 21-Day Challenge from the CCBA President’s Message at https://clarkcountybar.org/making-social-change-read-listen-watch-reflect-act/.
See below for a list of things to do (at your own risk) for each day of the challenge.
21-Days | Challenges per day* |
Feb. 8 | DAY 1: Take the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge© created by Eddie Moore Jr. and Debby Irving as a resource for people who want to take action for racial equity. Learn about the plan at https://www.eddiemoorejr.com/21daychallenge |
Feb. 9 | DAY 2: Take a step to make change for racial equity in our legal community with the Justice Michael L. Douglas PreLaw Fellowship Program. See https://law.unlv.edu/admissions/prelaw-fellowship#. |
Feb. 10 | DAY 3: Watch a LawBank’s “Diverse Perspectives Panel” discussion on the importance of diversity and inclusion inside the legal world and features Nevada lawyer Augusta Massey, President of the Las Vegas Chapter of the National Bar Association. See https://youtu.be/5svEDDkbrHU. |
Feb. 11 | DAY 4: Notice what you might be overlooking after watching this video: “Test Your Awareness: Do The Test” at https://youtu.be/Ahg6qcgoay4. |
Feb. 12 | DAY 5: Connect with colleagues in the Las Vegas Latino Bar Association. Follow their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/lasvegaslatinobarassociation or attend one of their events. Learn more about the LVLBA at https://www.lvlba.com/. |
Feb. 13 | DAY 6: Engage with colleagues in racially mixed settings like the 40th Anniversary of the Las Vegas Chapter of the National Bar Association to be held virtually on February 20, 2021. Learn more at https://www.lasvegasnba.org/events-programs. |
Feb. 14 | DAY 7: Mark your calendars to attend the inaugural meeting of the CCBA’s Committee on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion, to be held via Zoom on Friday, February 26, 2021. Learn more at https://clarkcountybar.org/event/ccba-diversity-equality-and-inclusion-committee-meeting/. |
Feb. 15 | DAY 8: Reflect on racial justice with retired Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas who was interviewed recently by Nevada lawyer Karl O. Riley. Read the interview at https://clarkcountybar.org/a-justices-perspective-on-racial-justice/. |
Feb. 16 | DAY 9: Stay inspired and listen to the Soundtrack4Justice playlist. Find playlists for Spotify, Youtube, Apple Music, or see individual songs listed at https://www.eddiemoorejr.com/21daychallenge/#stayinspired. |
Feb. 17 | DAY 10: Track your personal progress in this challenge using this 21-Day Challenge Tracking Tool like this one in Google Sheets: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZwLNPHy7JfZuXf6ZtUUCq6uSa9bkqCljx11GDDjI1ug/edit#gid=0 |
Feb. 18 | DAY 11: Read “Patently Unfair: Racial Inequality Through the U.S. Intellectual Property Legal System,” written by CCBA Member Caleb L. Green, Esq. See https://clarkcountybar.org/patently-unfair-racial-inequality-through-the-u-s-intellectual-property-legal-system/. |
Feb. 19 | DAY 12: Read “Five Actions Attorneys Can Take to Interrupt Implicit Bias and Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Field” written by CCBA member Mary Bacon, Esq. See https://clarkcountybar.org/five-actions-attorneys-can-take-to-interrupt-implicit-bias-and-promote-diversity-and-inclusion-in-the-legal-field/. |
Feb. 20 | DAY 13: Engage with colleagues in racially mixed settings like the 40th Anniversary of the Las Vegas Chapter of the National Bar Association TONIGHT. Learn more at https://www.lasvegasnba.org/events-programs. |
Feb. 21 | DAY 14: Read “Anti-Blackness and Immigration Law” written by CCBA member Martha Menendez, Bernstein Senior Fellow, UNLV Immigration Clinic. See https://clarkcountybar.org/five-actions-attorneys-can-take-to-interrupt-implicit-bias-and-promote-diversity-and-inclusion-in-the-legal-field/. |
Feb. 22 | DAY 15: Watch “A Fistful of Gavels” a creative video produced by the Denver Bar Association depicting the passing of the gavel from their past president Kevin McReynolds to current president Tyrone Glover. See https://youtu.be/492N4_rfQCM. |
Feb. 23 | DAY 16: Listen to a podcast discussing social change. Find a list of available works at https://www.eddiemoorejr.com/21daychallenge/#listen. |
Feb. 24 | DAY 17: Attend the inaugural meeting of the CCBA’s Committee on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion, to be held via Zoom on Friday, February 26, 2021. Learn more & RSVP at https://clarkcountybar.org/event/ccba-diversity-equality-and-inclusion-committee-meeting/. |
Feb. 25 | DAY 18: Read the historical piece, “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack,” written by Peggy McIntosh founder of the National SEED Project on Inclusive Curriculum. See https://nationalseedproject.org/Key-SEED-Texts/white-privilege-unpacking-the-invisible-knapsack. |
Feb. 26 | DAY 19: Follow Racial Justice Educator & Writer Debby Irving on Twitter. See @DebbyIrving |
Feb. 27 | DAY 20: Read at least one relevant piece of writing on the topic of social change and racial justice. See a list of available works at https://www.eddiemoorejr.com/21daychallenge/#read |
Feb. 28 | DAY 21: Take a step to make change for racial equity in our legal community. Learn about the Justice Michael L. Douglas PreLaw Fellowship Program. See https://law.unlv.edu/admissions/prelaw-fellowship#. |
*Check out this list of resources, compiled in a Google Sheet, at http://ow.ly/GHww50DspkY. | |