Guiding Your Client CLE Program

To RSVP, complete the web form below.

Sponsors: Dillon HealthLas Vegas Legal Video and Southern Nevada Senior Law Program

“Guiding Your Client Through the Decision-Making Process for Basic Estate Planning”

  • Course description: This training is designed to help attorneys anticipate the questions and concerns clients have regarding their estate planning—particularly the Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Decisions document. The DPOAH involves some very serious decisions for clients to contemplate before they meet with an attorney to discuss and finalize their documents. Also, the DPOAH has recently undergone some important statutory revisions, and this training will address those changes as well as concerns regarding guardianship avoidance. Ideally, attorneys can provide “homework” for their clients following the initial interview, so the client can be more prepared and confident in selecting options as they finalize their documents.
  • Speaker: Carol A. Kingman, Esq., Senior Law Program/SNSLP
  • Produced by: Stephen Smith of CCBA’s CLE Committee
  • Recorded: 7/1/2024
  • Offers: 1.0 General CLE Credit (NV)
  • Recorded materials rental: $25/CCBA Member or $50/non-member. Not a CCBA member? Join/renew now.
  • Order program: Complete form below
CLE Program (Guiding Your Client Through the Decision-Making Process for Basic Estate Planning) RSVP Form

CLE Program (Guiding Your Client Through the Decision-Making Process for Basic Estate Planning) RSVP Form

Order for CLE Program “Guiding Your Client Through the Decision-Making Process for Basic Estate Planning”
Note: Completed order will trigger email delivery of hyperlink to access the CLE program materials.

Payment to Clark County Bar Association via web form, phone call to 702-387-6011, or delivery to 717 S. 8th Street, Las Vegas, NV, 89101. Cancellations must be submitted in writing to the CCBA via email to by 7/9/2024 to qualify for a refund of the event registration fee less a $15 processing fee. No refunds will be issued after 7/9/2024.
Credit Card
Questions are welcome; however, there is no guarantee the question will be addressed before, during, or after this event.
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