A. Collins Hunsaker to Present Estate Planning CLE Program on November 17, 2021

Estate planning lawyer A. Collins Hunsaker will make a special presentation for the continuing education of Nevada lawyers in a program produced by the CCBA’s CLE Committee on Wednesday, November 17, 2021. Collins will present “What Every Lawyer Should Know about Estate Planning” to highlight relevant information for Nevada lawyers. The presentation will cover the basics of estate planning. Topics to be discussed are: How to avoid Probate;
Planning with Trusts versus Wills;
Revocable vs. Irrevocable Trusts;
Asset Protection Planning with Trusts and other entities; Understanding taxation as it applies to estate planning. The presentation will offer 1.0 CLE credit and is for CCBA members only. Pricing of this CLE program is included with the 2021 CCBA membership. RSVP to the CCBA by 11/16/2021.