Join / Renew

We welcome members of the Nevada bar, bench, and our supporting legal community to become active members of the Clark County Bar Association (CCBA).

Please complete this form for one person to join the Clark County Bar Association (CCBA) or to renew a CCBA membership for the 2025 membership year. Thank you!

2025 CCBA Membership Form

2025 CCBA Membership Form


Member's Name
Member's Name
Email address will be used by the CCBA to send emails with info related to the CCBA's activities and services. The CCBA uses Mailchimp to send emails. Use the unsubscribe link in those emails to opt out at any time.


Membership category for 2025 (select the appropriate one)*

Contact information

Mailing address
Mailing address

Tell us more about the member

Firm size (based on # of attorneys)
Position at company/firm/court
Areas of Practice (for licensed attorneys only) - Select up to 3 areas of practice from the list below:
Language(s) spoken/used by person in practice
Is this person a veteran of the US armed forces?

Join a bar committee or get notices of upcoming meetings

Bar committee(s) interest


Add ons**
If selecting the CLE Passport, member may use the passport for registration to live or recorded programs produced by the CCBA. For a list of CLE programs, visit



Payment type
Make checks payable to Clark County Bar Association and deliver to 717 S. 8th Street, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89101. Questions: 702-387-6011.

Billing Info

Street Address
Building/Suite/Apartment #


*Membership to the Clark County Bar Association (CCBA) is offered to a person on an annual basis (January 1 through December 31). A person’s membership type is subject to change depending on status of the person’s employment (e.g. if person is employed by public agency, then membership type is “public services member), age (e.g. a discounted price available for persons over the age of 65), and/or status of admission to practice law in any jurisdiction. Updates to a member’s contact information is requested as soon as any change becomes applicable. Information provided to the Clark County Bar Association (CCBA) may be used to update our member database, to create/update a listing for the member on the bar's website, and to communicate information about activities and services available to the members of the Clark County Bar Association. A member’s e-mail address is required for them to be listed as a registered user of; the e-mail address must be unique to the individual (no “role” type addresses, please). Concerned about how your information may be used? Read the Privacy Policy. To update their information and preferences for bar communications, members may Send email to the CCBA.
**Non-tax-deductible contribution to Clark County Bar Association (CCBA), a 501(c)(6) non-profit org. Donations can be made to support the CCBA’s activities like the Blanket the Homeless program or to organize educational programs that facilitate constructive discussion and enhance understanding of diversity issues.
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Cancellation & refund policy

Cancellations must be submitted in writing to the CCBA via email to within 30 days of payment of the membership fee. Qualifying requests will incur a $10 processing fee. No refunds will be issued after 30 days from the date of payment.