Administrative Order 23-05 Modifies Many Assignments for Judicial Departments at Eighth Judicial District Court

The are several case reassignments impacting Civil/Criminal/Family Division at this Clark County Court that beccome effective January 8, 2024.

On December 5, 2023, Chief Judge Jerry Wiese, of the Eighth Judicial District Court, filed an order in the administrative matter of the Civil/Criminal/Family Division case reassignments. See Administrative Order 23-05 (PDF available for download.) The order cites NRS 3.025; see also EDCR 1.30(b) and responsibility for the chief judge to ensure the quality of continuity of court’s services and business of the court. Administrative Order 23-05 modifies the following assignments to further foster consistency, efficiency, and fairness. See below for an excerpt with details:

“IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, pursuant to EDCR 1.30(b), effective January 8, 2024, the following changes or modifications will take effect.

CIVIL/CRIMINAL Division Assignments:

The criminal cases currently assigned to Judge Jennifer Schwartz (Dept. 17), under Track 2, (from LVJC Dept. 2), (Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 calendar) shall be reassigned to Judge Nadia Krall (Dept. 4). Note that Judge Schwartz will maintain the criminal cases she handles under Track 3 (from LVJC Dept. 3) (Monday and Wednesday 9:00 calendar).

Approximately one half of the civil cases (but not to exceed 400 cases) currently assigned to Judge Nadia Krall (Dept. 4), shall be reassigned to Judge Jennifer Schwartz (Dept. 17).

The criminal cases currently assigned to Judge Monica Trujillo (Dept. 3) (outlying track) (Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 calendar), shall be reassigned to Judge Adriana Escobar (Dept. 14). Note that Judge Trujillo will maintain the criminal cases she handles under Track 14 (from LVJC 14) (Monday and Wednesday 9:30 calendar).

Approximately one half of the civil cases (but not to exceed 400 cases) currently assigned to Judge Adriana Escobar (Dept. 14), shall be reassigned to Judge Monica Trujillo (Dept. 3).

The criminal cases currently assigned to Judge Carly Kierny (Dept. 2) (outlying track) (Monday and Wednesday 9:30 calendar), shall be reassigned to Judge Jessica Peterson (Dept. 8). Note that Judge Kierny will maintain the criminal cases she handles on the Homicide Team (Tuesday 9:00 calendar).

Approximately one half of the civil cases (but not to exceed 400 cases) currently assigned to Judge Jessica Peterson (Dept. 8), shall be reassigned to Judge Carly Kierny 28 (Dept. 2).

The criminal cases currently assigned to Judge Tierra Jones (Dept. 10) (outlying track) (Monday and Wednesday 8:30 calendar), shall be reassigned to Judge Susan Johnson (Dept. 22). Note that Judge T. Jones will maintain the criminal cases she handles on the Homicide Team (Thursday 9:00 calendar).

Approximately one-half of the business court cases currently assigned to Judge Susan Johnson (Dept. 22), shall be reassigned to Judge Maria Gall (Dept. 9).

Approximately one half of the civil cases (but not to exceed 400 cases) currently assigned to Judge Maria Gall (Dept. 9), shall be reassigned to Judge Tierra Jones (Dept. 10).

All of the business court cases currently assigned to Judge Nancy Allf (Dept. 27), shall be reassigned to Judge Joe Hardy (Dept. 15). Approximately 200 civil cases currently assigned to Judge Joe Hardy (Dept. 15), shall be reassigned to Dept. 27.

Approximately 200 civil cases currently assigned to Judge Jacqueline Bluth (Dept. 6), shall be reassigned to Judge Bita Yeager (Dept. 1).

The Eviction Appeals currently assigned to Judge Maria Gall (Dept. 9), shall be reassigned to Judge Anna Albertson (Dept. 11).

The Eviction Appeals currently assigned to Judge Adriana Escobar (Dept. 14), shall be reassigned to Judge Jacob Reynolds (Dept. 29).

Judge Nadia Krall (Dept. 4), will move from Courtroom 3C to Courtroom 11A.

Judge Veronica Barisich (Dept. 5), will move from Courtroom 11A to Courtroom 3C.

FAMILY Division Assignments:

All new adult and minor name change cases shall be randomly assigned to all twenty-six (26) Family Division departments.

All closed Minor Compromise cases currently assigned to Department B and Department F shall be randomly reassigned to all Civil Division departments in proportion          to           the              currently established caseload   assignments      for              new       Minor Compromise cases.

Judge Linda Marquis (Dept. B), shall be reassigned to Delinquency, receiving Dept. I, Judge Soonhee Bailey’s caseload with the exception of the DAAY court specialty cases and the Dual Ward (DIY) calendars.

The Delinquency caseload currently subject to random assignment between Judge Soonhee Bailey and Judge Amy Mastin (Dept. M), will now be assigned between Judge Linda Marquis (Dept. I) and Judge Amy Mastin (Dept. M).

Judge Soonhee Bailey (Dept. I) will be reassigned to Dependency, and will receive Judge Stephanie Charter’s (Dept. Y) caseload, and she will also retain the DAAY court specialty and the Dual Ward (DIY) calendars.

Judge Soonhee Bailey will coordinate scheduling DAAY cases and DIY cases with Judges Linda Marquis and Amy Mastin, and the delinquency Hearing Masters, so that the delinquency judges know which days those calendars are being heard by Judge Soonhee Bailey and so as to illuminate scheduling conflicts for community partners and attorneys serving the delinquency case type.

Judge Denise Gentile (Dept. F), and Judge Bryce Duckworth (Dept. Q), will each receive a split docket calendar consisting of 50% each of all adult guardianship cases and 50% each of Judge Bryce Duckworth’s current civil domestic caseload. Each department (Dept. F and Dept. Q), will be randomly assigned 50% of all adult guardianship cases and one half each of the normal random assignment of new domestic cases (i.e. the two of them make up one full domestic caseload so will each get their half share of such randomly assigned new civil domestic cases).

If there are two cases assigned with competing petitions relating to a guardianship over the same person, the department with the lower case number assigned shall be the department to handle both matters, unless otherwise agreed by the judges handling the adult guardianships.

Judge Dawn Throne (Dept. U), and Judge Stacy Rocheleau (Dept. W), will each receive a split docket calendar consisting of 50% each of all minor guardianship cases. Additionally, Judges Dawn Throne and Stacy Rocheleau will each keep 50% of their current respective civil domestic caseloads and will each receive one half of the normal random assignment of new domestic cases (i.e. the two of them make up one full domestic caseload so will each get their half share of such randomly assigned new civil domestic cases).

If there are two cases assigned with competing petitions related to a guardianship over the same person, the department with the lower case number assigned shall be the department to handle both matters, unless otherwise agreed by the judges handling the minor guardianships.

For the split dockets, Dept. F and Dept. Q, shall hear adult guardianship cases on days opposite from one another so as to avoid an increase of in court days for community partners and attorneys serving that caseload. Likewise, Dept. U and Dept. W shall hear minor guardianship cases on days opposite from one another for the same reason.

Judge Linda Marquis will relocate to the Family Division campus at Bonanza and Pecos, and Judge Bryce Duckworth will relocate to the Regional Justice Center.

Judge Stephanie Charter (Dept. Y) will be reassigned to a full civil domestic caseload consisting initially of the remaining 50% of Judge Dawn Throne’s current civil domestic caseload and the remaining 50% of Judge Stacey Rocheleau’s current civil domestic caseload. Dept. Y will receive a full share of randomly assigned new civil domestic cases.”

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