Administrative Order 24-09 Effective December 2, 2024

In the matter of Involuntary Court-Ordered Isolation and Quarantine Case Assignments filed in the District Court of Clark County, Nevada

On November 8, 2024, Chief Judge Jerry Wiese filed an order in the administrative matter of involuntary court-ordered isolation and quarantine case assignments at Eighth Judicial District Court. See Administrative Order 24-09 (AO 24-09).

The order cites concern for the diligent oversight of involuntary confinement cases concerning communicable diseases, isolation, and quarantine is essential to safeguard the health and welfare of the public and individuals who become subject to the court’s jurisdiction through involuntary confinement proceedings. See NRS 441A.065, NRS 441A.065, NRS 441A.l 15.

Also, departments that are assigned any involuntary confinement cases, including isolation and quarantine cases, will be able to tailor their procedures for the purpose of adjudicating these matters in an efficient and reliable manner.

More importantly, AO 24-09 orders case reassignments and orders:

“[P]ursuant to EDCR 1.30(b)(l6), effective December 2, 2024, that all involuntary confinement cases, including isolation and quarantine cases filed by the Southern Nevada Health District pursuant to NRS 441A.600 shall be randomly assigned to Department F or Department Q. Should conflict arise preventing both Department F and Department Q from hearing any cases, then those cases shall be reassigned to the Family Court Presiding Judge (Department L).”

“[A]ny existing and currently closed involuntary confinement cases, including isolation and quarantine cases, shall be randomly reassigned to Department F or Department Q. Should a conflict arise preventing both Department F and Department Q from hearing an existing case or being assigned a closed case, then those cases shall be reassigned to Department L.”

“[T]he EJDC shall publish a list of current cases affected by the aforementioned reassignments on the EJDC website. Additionally, Court Administration shall attach a list of the reassigned cases as an exhibit to this Order.”

For more information and to get a copy of AO 24-09, visit the court’s website at

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