Project REAL Seeking Attorneys’ Kids for Law Day Trainings

Project REAL plans to train attorneys for REALReady conversations—talks that help students reduce their risk-taking by thinking within the law. To create a much-needed training video, they need 15-20 kids (grades 4-8) whose parents will allow them to be filmed in a REALReady session.…

EAP Court Diversion Program Now Available for “Johns” in Nevada

COURT DIVERSION PROGRAM: The diversion program, a “John School,” presented by Educational Awareness Programs (EAP) is now approved by the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH) for first-time offender men or men who have not had the opportunity…

Employment Opportunity for Nevada Lawyers in Mohave County Arizona

ARIZONA IS CALLING, PRACTICE IN AZ WITHOUT TAKING ANOTHER BAR EXAM – Arizona’s new Government Law Admission Program (GLAP) can allow Nevada lawyers to practice with the Mohave County Attorney’s Office and, after 5 years, become a fully licensed Arizona…