
Bar Journal Communique (June/July 2024) Published

Select content is available to read online now

The Clark County Bar’s journal, Communiqué (June/July 2024) features content related to membership matters with short articles on a variety of topics written by bar members for bar members. Select content is available to read online now.



Also featured is a variety of content from the printed publication’s recurring columns and highlights on bar activities. Find select content from the popular printed publication posted online at Issue page: https://clarkcountybar.org/about/member-benefits/communique-2024/communique-june-july-2024/.

About the Communiqué

The Communiqué is primarily a printed magazine format published by the Clark County Bar Association (CCBA). The June/July 2024 magazines were mailed out to current CCBA members during the last week of May 2024. The digital version of the full publication was published May 31, 2024.

© 2024 Clark County Bar Association (CCBA). All rights reserved. No reproduction of any portion of this issue is allowed without written permission from the publisher. Editorial policy available upon request.

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