Bar Luncheon Featuring Nevada Election Overview by Jon Ralston August 18, 2022 – RSVPs Now Due Aug 1, 2022

The Clark County Bar Luncheon on August 18, 2022, will be open to attendance by all members of the Nevada legal community; however, admission will be limited to persons who RSVP to the CCBA by the published deadline. To RSVP, complete the web form on our website or call the CCBA office at 702-387-6011.

Update (8/2/2022): This event is sold out. Update (7/28/2022): Please note the RSVP deadline has been bumped up to an earlier date than previously announced. RSVP to the Clark County Bar Association is required by 8/1/2022—new deadline. To RSVP, complete the web form (below) or call the CCBA office at 702-387-6011. Thanks you, and we hope to see you at the event!

Jon Ralston, CEO of The Nevada Independent, will make a special presentation during the Clark County Bar Luncheon at the Las Vegas Country Club on Thursday, August 18, 2022. Bar members are invited to attend and learn what this dynamic speaker has to say about the politics and candidates relevant to Nevada elections.

It may be an off-year in the presidential contest, but the 2022 election season in Nevada has major implications for the balance of power in the U.S. Senate and the trajectory of policy within the swingy Silver State. Democrats dominate now but are playing defense in a cycle expected to be less favorable to the party in control in the White House. Plus, new maps drawn through redistricting will introduce fresh dynamics for congressional and legislative races, and it’s unclear whether they will produce Democratic gains as designed.

This CCBA luncheon is hosted by the Clark County Bar Association and sponsored by Bank of Nevada, Dillon Health, and First Legal. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. for check-in and networking. The luncheon program will begin at 12:00 on Thursday, August 18, 2022.

This event will be open to attendance by all members of the Nevada legal community; however, admission will be limited to persons who RSVP to the CCBA by the published deadline. RSVP with payment to the Clark County Bar Association no later than August 1, 2022 (NEW DATE). To RSVP, complete our web form or call the CCBA at (702) 387-6011.

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