
Civil Bench-Bar Meeting on Sep. 10, 2024

All practitioners who handle legal matters in the civil division are welcome to attend in person or via webcast.

Today, the Eighth Judicial District Court will host the Civil Bench-Bar Meeting. All practitioners who handle legal matters in the civil division of this general jurisdiction court are welcome to attend in person or via webcast from 12-1:00 pm. today. See below for details.

8th Judicial District Court Civil Bench-Bar Meeting

  • Host: Eighth Judicial District Court – Civil Department
  • When: September 10, 2024, 12-1:00 p.m.
  • Where: Regional Justice Center, Courtroom 10D and Zoom
  • Webcast (via Zoom): https://clarkcountycourts-us.zoom.us/j/87143175647?pwd=ZU5ublRheW9RU0NrSVlGaUlFRnUxQT09
  • Agenda: Welcome & announcements
    • Pro Bono:
      • Representative from the Legal Aid Center
      • Representative from the Senior Law Project
      • Representative from Nevada Legal Services
  • Speakers:
    • Updates from Chief Judge Wiese
    • Updates from Presiding Civil Judge Clark Newberry
    • Nevada Supreme Court Case Summaries

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