Eighth Judicial District Court Order Eliminates Need to Visit Courthouse for State Court Matters Until After New Year

s in relation to safety and precautions, civil matters, criminal matters, domestic matters, court facilities, among other provisions for the EJDC.

On November 24, 2020, Chief Judge Linda Marie Bell of the Eighth Judicial District Court (EJDC) filed an administrative order in the matter related to requiring appearances by alternative means, mandatory face coverings, suspending in-person meetings, closing clerk’s office, depositions, suspending jury trials, subpoenas, and suspending the grand jury in response to COVID-19. See Administrative Order 20-24, available below as a nine-page PDF file to download:

Citing Rule 1.30(b) of the Rules of Practice for the EJDC and concerns for public health and the COVID-19 virus, Administrative Order 20-24 address a variety of changes to court procedures in relation to safety and precautions, civil matters, criminal matters, domestic matters, court facilities, among other provisions for the EJDC.

Also, per the order, Administrative Order 20-17 remains in effect, except as modified by Administrative Order 20-24. Administrative Order 20-24 “supersedes Administrative Orders 20-22 and 20-23, so that the operative orders for the EJDC related to the pandemic are currently Administrative Orders 20-17 and this Order, 20-24.” Except where otherwise noted, Administrative Order 20-24 will be reviewed every 30 days and remain in effect until modified or rescinded by a subsequent order.

For more information about this and other news from the EJDC, read the blog posts at https://eighthjdcourt.wordpress.com/.

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