Jennifer Braster Presents CLE Program for CCBA Members on August 14, 2024

This live webcast is free and only for current CCBA members on August 14, 2024.

On August 14, 2024, commercial litigator Jennifer Braster will make a special presentation for the continuing legal education of Nevada lawyers in a program produced by the Clark County Bar Association and sponsored by Bank of Nevada and Las Vegas Legal Video.

Jennifer Braster is the co-managing partner of Naylor & Braster, a boutique commercial litigation firm celebrating its tenth year in business this year.

Jennifer will present “Sunrise, Sunset: Strategies for opening and closing your own law firm” a CLE program featuring tips for successful law practice management.

This CLE program will provide you with guidance in opening, operating, and closing your own firm, including ethical, administrative, and management tips and traps. Working at a law firm and operating your own law firm are vastly different roles. A law firm can give you the tools, knowledge, and experience to be a successful attorney, but it does not train you on how to run a successful law firm.

Attendance to this live webcast is free and only for current CCBA members on August 14, 2024. This lunchtime learning program will be held via Zoom from 12:00 to 1:15 p.m. and offers 1.0 general CLE credit for Nevada lawyers. RSVP to the CCBA is required.

Pricing of the live webcast event is included with the 2024 CCBA membership. CCBA membership will be verified upon RSVP. During the event, attendance will be taken and only those Nevada lawyers in attendance will have their attendance reported to Nevada’s Board of Continuing Legal Education. The event will be recorded for use in the CCBA’s audio/visual library. The recorded versions of the program will be offered for rental use at a small fee (to cover administrative costs). For more information and to RSVP for this event, contact Donna Wiessner at or (702) 387-6011.

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