Place a display ad to showcase:
- Awards, achievements
- Law firm announcements
- Events
- Office, retail space
- Luxury and office products for legal professionals, law firms
- Professional services
Request a quote today!
Reach out to Stephanie at the CCBA office to request a quote for your ad. Please include the size, format (color or grayscale), and cover date(s) for your ad placement.
All advertisers must adhere to size specification, standards and policies contained on the Communiqué – Official Rates & Specs sheet listed below.
This page lists information about display advertising in our printed magazine Communiqué. (For information about classified advertising, see
Communiqué – Official Rates & Specs
Rates and information are effective November 13, 2024. All display ad rates listed reflect cost per insertion. All display ad dimensions listed below reflect the live area.* Information also available in Communiqué Media Kit (PDF).
8.75” width x 8.25” height —including .125” bleed off the edge of the page. (Live matter dimensions: 8.50″ width x 8.00″ height.)
4-Color @ $1,313/each
4-Color only
8.75” Width x 11.25” Height —including .125” bleed off the edge of the page. (Live matter dimensions: 8.5″ Width x 11.0″ Height
4-Color @ $1,050/each
Grayscale @ $840/each
3.625” Width x 9.875” Height
4-Color @$840/each
Grayscale @$420/each
7.5” Width x 4.875” Height
4-Color @$840/each
Grayscale @$420/each
2.375” Width x 9.875” Height
4-Color @ $735/each
Grayscale @ $368/each
4.875” Width x 4.875” Height
4-Color @ $735/each
Grayscale @ $368/each
3.625” Width x 4.875” Height
4-Color @$630/each
Grayscale @$315/each
2.375” Width x 4.875” Height
4-Color @ $315/each
Grayscale @ $158/each
4.875” Width x 2.375” Height
4-Color @ $315/each
Grayscale @ $158/each
3.625” Width x 2.25” Height
4-Color @$250/each
Grayscale @$125/each
2.375” Width x 2.375” Height
4-Color @$210/each
Grayscale @$105/each
Additional discounts & Charges
Contact the CCBA at 702-387-6011 to confirm availability and amounts. Add to or subtract from earned rate:
- Frequency Placement Discount: -5% per frequency (for orders with ad placements of more than 2 times):
- Place ad for 3 to 5 times to get 5% off each placement
- Place ad for 6 to 8 times to get 10% off each placement
- Place ad for 9 to 12 times to get 15% off each placement
- Ad Design: +$75 per first ad placement*
- Member Discount: -15% per placement and complimentary ad design for CCBA members only*
- Agency Discount: -15% per placement for recognized ad agencies only**
- Sponsor Discount: -15% per placement for recognized sponsors of CCBA activities only**
- Total Amount Paid: -5% per total amount due is available for orders with frequency ad placements (i.e., 3x, 6x, or 12x) if the total amount due is paid before the date of the 1st ad placement.
*Ad design services performed by the CCBA staff to design the ad file to meet the publication’s artwork requirements. However, the advertiser must provide CCBA with all text and electronic files of high-resolution graphics, photos, logos to be included in the ad design.
** The CCBA Member, Agency, and Sponsor Discounts cannot be combined.
Ad Specifications & Design Requirements
- Dimensions: Dimensions listed are for live matter and the outer edges of the border of the ad. Please include a border as part of your ad’s design. (No border is necessary for full page ads.)
- Resolution: The resolution of all elements (photos, logos, graphics, fonts, etc.) used in the design of the ad must not fall below 300 DPI (dots per inch) with color ads recommended to not fall below 400 DPI, and line art items to not fall below 1200 DPI. Do not use rules less than .25 point. Fonts should be turned to outlines. Artwork should be flattened.
- Formats: Color ads must be formatted for 4-color printing with CMYK settings. No PANTONE, spot, duotone, or monochrome settings are allowed. No RGB, LAB, Index colors are allowed. All colors for all elements used in the design must be converted to CMYK color values only (U.S. Prepress Defaults). Grayscale ads should be formatted with grayscale settings (Gray Gamma 1.8 or 2.2).
- Delivery of materials: Submit as an electronic file in one of the following formats: PDF, EPS, TIF, or JPG via e-mail to the publisher, Clark County Bar Association via It is the responsibility of the advertiser to secure delivery of artwork to the publisher.
Design Costs
Graphic design services are available should the advertiser require assistance producing the artwork to specified requirements. Clients requiring artwork design or artwork built to requirement, must submit copy and any graphics by the 1st of the month preceding publication (cover) date.
Design Fee (1x cost):
- 1/8 page at $ 75
- 1/4 page at $100
- 1/2 page at $150
- Full page at $200
Closing Dates
Advertising space must be reserved with signed insertion order and payment at least one month prior to publication (cover) date (e.g. March 1 for April cover). Ad order & materials are due 30 days prior to the first day of the desired month of publication (e.g. July 1 for the August issue of the publication.) Final approved artwork is due by the closing date. Orders cannot be cancelled after the closing date. When change of copy is not received by the closing date, copy run in the previous issue will be inserted. Any early deadline may be due to the expected delays in production, printing & mailing of a particular issue. Communiqué‘s editorial calendar and closing dates may change without notice at any time.
Editorial Calendar
Editorial Calendar for Communiqué (2025)
Featuring the cover dates, topics to be featured, and deadlines for each issue*
Cover Date | Topic | Space Reservations | Closing Date |
January 2025 | Five Things | 11/1/2024 | 12/1/2024 |
February 2025 | ADR | 12/1/2024 | 1/2/2025 |
March 2025 | Family Law | 1/2/2025 | 2/1/2025 |
April 2025 | Civil Procedure | 2/1/2025 | 3/1/2025 |
May 2025 | Estate Planning & Probate | 3/1/2025 | 4/1/2025 |
June/July 2025 | Membership Matters | 4/1/2025 | 5/1/2025 |
August 2025 | First Amendment & Constitutional Law | 6/1/2025 | 7/1/2025 |
September 2025 | Legislative Wrap-Up | 7/1/2025 | 8/1/2025 |
October 2025 | Pro Bono | 8/1/2025 | 9/1/2025 |
November 2025 | Mental Health | 9/1/2025 | 10/1/2025 |
December 2025 | Science & Technology | 10/1/2025 | 11/1/2025 |
- NOTES: The editorial calendars, schedules, editorial policies, and writer’s guidelines for the Communiqué are subject to change without notice. All content in the publication is subject to approval and editing for style, grammar, and length. Space reservations are required.
Advertising Policy
All advertisers (display and classified) must adhere to size specification, standards and policies contained on this official rate card. The publisher’s schedule of insertion order and copy deadlines must be observed in order to assure publication in the Communiqué.
The advertiser assumes all responsibility for materials and copy submitted to be published. It is expressly understood that the advertiser and advertising agency will indemnify, defend and hold the publisher and its agents, servants, directors and employees harmless from and against any and all losses, expenses or other liabilities resulting from any claims or suits for libel, violation or rights of privacy, plagiarism, copyright infringement, and any other claims or suits that may arise out of the publication of such an advertisement, including reasonable lawyer’s fees in defending against any such claim. In the case of advertising placed by an agency, the agency and the advertiser (client) are jointly and severally liable for the price of the advertising space. The publisher shall not be liable for any damages if for any reason he fails to publish an advertisement.
In the event of an error in the advertisement caused by the publisher, its agents, directors or employees, the liability of the publisher for those individuals will not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the erroneous copy or illustrations. No allowance will be made for errors that do not materially affect the value of the advertisement. Advertising material will be limited to the products and services provided by the advertiser. All materials and copy will be subject to the final approval of the publisher as to quality and content of ads.
Appearance of an advertisement in Communiqué neither constitutes a recommendation nor an endorsement of that product or service by the Clark County Bar Association.
Liability of the publisher for any error for which it may be held legally responsible is limited to the cost of the advertisement. All advertising is subject to publisher’s approval. CCBA reserves the right to reject advertising which, in the opinion of the publisher, is not in keeping with its publication standards.
Costs incurred by the publisher for production work done on advertisements will be charged to the advertiser. When change of copy is not received by the closing date, copy run in the previous issue will be inserted.
Cancellation of any advertisement must be made in writing at least ninety (30) days in advance of the publication date. In the case of advertising placed by an agency, the agency and the advertiser are jointly and severally liable for the price of the advertising space. All orders are non-cancellable after the closing date.
To guarantee ad placement, this insertion order/agreement must be completed and e-mailed to 30 days in advance of the requested publication month. A proof of the ad will only be provided before printing by request. You will have 24 hours to respond after receipt of that proof or else the ad design will be published as designed. To cancel the ad placement, the advertiser must contact the publisher in writing immediately and before the appropriate deadline for the issue.
The advertiser assumes all responsibility for materials and copy submitted to be published. It is expressly understood that the advertiser and advertising agency will indemnify, defend and hold the publisher and its agents, servants, directors and employees harmless from and against any and all losses, expenses or other liabilities resulting from any claims or suits for libel, violation or rights of privacy, plagiarism, copyright infringement, and any other claims or suits that may arise out of the publication of such an advertisement, including reasonable lawyer’s fees in defending against any such claim. In the case of advertising placed by an agency, the agency and the advertiser (client) are jointly and severally liable for the price of the advertising space. The publisher shall not be liable for any damages if for any reason he fails to publish an advertisement. In the event of an error in the advertisement caused by the publisher, its agents, directors or employees, the liability of the publisher for those individuals will not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the erroneous copy or illustrations. No allowance will be made for errors that do not materially affect the value of the advertisement. Advertising material will be limited to the products and services provided by the advertiser. All materials and copy will be subject to the final approval of the publisher as to quality and content of ads.
To guarantee ad placement, this insertion order/agreement must be completed and e-mailed to 30 days in advance of the requested publication month. A proof of the ad will only be provided before printing by request. You will have 24 hours to respond after receipt of that proof or else the ad design will be published as provided in the proof. To cancel the ad placement, the advertiser must contact the publisher in writing immediately and before the appropriate deadline for the issue. For questions, contact Communiqué at (702) 387-6011.
To guarantee placement, submit a completed order form with payment at least 30 days prior to the first day of the cover date of publication to: Clark County Bar Association, 717 S. Eighth Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101 • Fax: 702-387-7867 • E-mail: DO NOT E-MAIL CREDIT CARD INFORMATION. Credit card info can be called in to CCBA. Questions? Call CCBA at 702-387-6011.
*Restrictions apply. All advertisers must adhere to size specification, standards and policies contained on the official rate card. Design services may be available to be performed by the CCBA staff to design the ad file to meet the publication’s artwork requirements. However, the advertiser must provide CCBA with all text and electronic files of high resolution graphics, photos, logos to e included in the ad design. This discount and service is only available to members of the Clark County Bar Association and with purchase of ad placement order.