Significant Changes to Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure Effective August 15, 2024

On June 7, 2024, the Supreme Court of Nevada filed an order amending the Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure. See ADKT 0680.

On June 7, 2024, the Supreme Court of Nevada filed an order amending the Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure. See ADKT 0680.

Per the order,

“The revised Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure contain significant changes. Some of the changes are pragmatic. For example, the amendments move the forms previously included in ther NRAP to the Supreme Court website, where they can be updated as need be and downloaded electronically. Others are stylistic, while others are substantive. Under NRS 2.120(2), the existing NRAP must remain in effect for at least 60 days from the date of this order. Consistent with NRS 2.120(2), the revised NRAP will take effect on August 15, 2024, and apply to matters pending or filed on or after that date.”

“For the benefit of the bench and the bar and to facilitate the transition from the existing rules to the new rules, attached as Exhibit A is a redline of the revised NRAP against the existing NRAP. A clean copy of the revised NRAP is attached as Exhibit B. The Exhibits will be filed in ADKT 0580 and will be available , along with the Commission’s agendas and minutes, on the Nevada Appellate Courts’ website located at”

For more information, please read the 359-page order (document 24-19925) at

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