Taking the Time to Become a Bar Leader

CCBA President Nedda Ghandi calls for nominations of CCBA members to serve on the 2023 CCBA Executive Board. See her message in the bar journal COMMUNIQUÉ, (Sept. 2022).

When I joined the Clark County Bar Association in 2009, I was looking for way to network in the Nevada legal community and I joined the CCBA very early in my legal career. The CCBA provides numerous events and functions that cater to fostering connections with other attorneys, judges, legal assistants, law students, and merchants. After a short while, I began to appreciate CCBA for its numerous outreach and service opportunities to both the legal community and the community at large. There are so many different ways to contribute to this organization in a meaningful way.

Bar associations are only as good as their staff and the effort and time that their members put into the bar association. When the lawyers who comprise a local bar treat it with the same diligence and attention they give to their work, then it is likely to be that much more useful to its members. I encourage you to give your time to serving on the CCBA’s committees and its Board. If you are interested in serving on the Executive Board, nominations are being accepted through November 1, 2022. Elections for serving on the 2023 CCBA Executive Board will be held at the CCBA Annual Meeting & 40 Year Club Luncheon in December. More information is below.

2023 CCBA Executive Board Election

Deadline for nominations is November 1, 2022

Nominations from members to serve on the 2023 CCBA Executive Board will be accepted through Tuesday, November 1, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. Nominations should be sent to the CCBA President Nedda Ghandi at Prez@ClarkCountyBar.org. The nominating committee shall consider the following criteria and characteristics as applied to each prospective nominee in their application:

  • Current CCBA membership in good standing 
  • Demonstrated past service to the CCBA
  • Contribution to creating balance on the executive board of representation amongst various areas and types of the practice of law
  • Professionalism
  • Knowledge and expertise in an area in which the CCBA needs or desires assistance
  • Such other factors as the nominating committee may deem relevant and appropriate

The election will be held at the CCBA Annual Meeting & 40 Year Club Luncheon in December. More details are available at www.clarkcountybar.org or call (702) 387-6011.

About this article: This article was originally published in the “Election” issue of Communiqué, the official publication of the Clark County Bar Association, (September 2022). See https://clarkcountybar.org/member-benefits/communique-2022/communique-september-2022/.

About the author
Nedda Ghandi

Nedda Ghandi, Esq. is a partner with Ghandi Deeter Blackham Law Office. Nedda’s primary practice area involves bankruptcy for both individual and business debtors. She also litigates complex family law cases that often involve family-owned businesses or complicated financial battles. Nedda serves as the president of the Clark County Bar Association through December 2022.

© 2022 Clark County Bar Association (CCBA). All rights reserved. No reproduction of any portion of this issue is allowed without written permission from the publisher. Editorial policy available upon request.

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