Updates to Bar Website Affect Member Login Feature

On November 16, 2021, the CCBA staff disabled an app on the bar’s website that manages the membership login and credentials. As a result, the members’ usernames and passwords previously in use will no longer work for this website (https://clarkcountybar.org/). These changes to the website do not change the status of the person’s membership to the CCBA. It just modifies the functionality of the website by not requiring a user to login to complete certain tasks.
Login is not required for most tasks needed for member services.

On November 16, 2021, the CCBA staff disabled an app on the bar’s website that manages the membership login and credentials. As a result, the members’ usernames and passwords previously in use will no longer work for this website (https://clarkcountybar.org/).

These changes to the website do not change the status of the person’s membership to the CCBA. It just modifies the functionality of the website by not requiring a user to login to complete certain tasks.

Login is not required for most tasks needed for member services

Bar members may continue to use the bar’s website to complete and pay for services provided by the CCBA, including:

Request new links for previously ordered CLE programs

The changes to the website do change the access to select orders (for recorded CLE programs) that were made prior to 11/16/2021. The affected orders would be those made while the CCBA member was logged in to the website with their username and password. Affected orders will have broken links to the CLE materials, including the recorded files (audio/video recordings) and supplemental materials (PDF files).

Members may request new links to replace any broken links from the affected orders. To request new links for previous orders, the purchaser will need to send an email, listing the title(s) of the CLE program(s) of concern, to Donna and/or Stephanie at the CCBA.

Audio Visual Library Catalog Available

Bar members may order recorded CLE programs from the CLE Audio Visual Library by completing the PDF order form available in the Audio-Visual Library Catalog. The catalog is available at https://clarkcountybar.org/marketplace/cle-programs/. Orders may also be submitted via email to Donna at the CCBA office.

These changes are expected to be in effect for the time being and until a new app is installed. For more information about these changes, contact the CCBA office at 702-387-6011 or by email to CCBA staff.

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