
Areas of Practice Listings Offer Update

CCBA’s current members, who are licensed attorneys, can get listed via area of practice (AOP) in the Discovery issue of COMMUNIQUÉ magazine (May 2022). To benefit from this special offer*, the CCBA member must complete the Areas of Practice form prior to the published deadline. The deadline to participate has been extended to April 5, 2022. No foolin’. 🖐🙂

CCBA’s current members, who are licensed attorneys, can get listed via area of practice (AOP) in the Discovery issue of COMMUNIQUÉ magazine (May 2022). To benefit from this special offer*, the CCBA member must complete the Areas of Practice form prior to the published deadline. The deadline to participate has been extended to April 5, 2022. No foolin’.

Also, please note this update of 4/1/2022: Due to space constraints, any entries made by the CCBA’s “Public Service Members” may be omitted from the COMMUNIQUÉ. This will also help to curtail unsolicited phone calls to these members who cannot represent private clients.

If you have already completed the form this year, thank you! If you haven’t or want to update your selections, take this last chance to participate.

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