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Bar Journal Communiqué Focuses on Natural Resources
CommuniquĂ© (May 2023) also includes the CCBA President’s Message, Pro Bono Corner, and a variety of highlights on court news and bar activities.
Nevada and the Shrinking Colorado River
“The Colorado River provides the Las Vegas Valley with 90 percent of its water, which serves roughly 70 percent of Nevada’s population, yet consumes just five percent of the state’s annual consumption.” Learn more in this piece written by Nevada lawyer Steven C. Anderson.
Crisis on the Colorado River – How Did We Get Here?
Allocations of water as well as the river’s operations are governed by a series of agreements, regulations, interstate compacts, and court decisions collectively referred to as the “Law of the River.” Learn more in this piece written by Nevada lawyer Christine Guerci.
Vegas Night Life of a Different Kind
“Astronomy, paleontology, and geology we have it all here in the desert with enough food for thought to keep the curious mind engaged for a lifetime.” Learn more from John Mowbray of Spencer Fane.
Civility – Some thoughts on what it is and how we can get there
“In addition to the inherent value of being professional towards each other, we can also point to concrete positives.” Learn more from John M. Naylor in his article published in the Clark County Bar journal CommuniquĂ© (May 2023).
Spring into Pro Bono
“We are all waiting for the perfect time. That perfect time is now, spring.” Learn more from Michael Wendlberger in the Pro Bono Corner in this month’s issue of bar journal CommuniquĂ© (May 2023).
Areas of Practice Listings Offer 2023
To benefit from this special offer*, the qualifying CCBA member must complete the Areas of Practice form prior to the published deadline for the issue (i.e. May 1, 2023).
Volunteers Sought for Will-A-Thon on June 15, 2023
The CCBA’s Community Service Committee is partnering with the Southern Nevada Senior Law Program (SNLSP) to organize Nevada lawyers to provide pro bono and help some of our community’s more vulnerable citizens.