
Fun. But Without Setting the World on Fire.

“It’s just hard to be uncivil to someone you have had fun with, and it’s harder for them, too.” Read more in CCBA President Brandon Kemble’s message from the Communique (Sep. 2023).

If you have heard me talk about the CCBA (if you haven’t that puts you in rare, some might say lucky, company), you know that I refer to the CCBA as the “fun bar.” Sure, that’s me trying to get over on the other bar associations and rub in that we have the best members and the best events, but my insistence on having fun as a bar association is more than that.

I’ve been fortunate to have the chance to speak to some of the new admittees to our bar at the swearing in ceremony. I share two important ideas with the new members of our bar. The first thing I tell them about is our unique legal community. Clark County presents new admittees with exciting legal and business opportunities in one of the most dynamic, fast-paced, and growing regions in the country. I emphasize that our bar thrives in this environment while preserving the best parts of a once small state legal community. I tell them, sincerely, that we are colleagues, we are friends, and I introduce them to the special collegiality and civility here. And I ask them to help us keep it that way.

The next thing I do is deliver the real exciting news. I let them in on the secret sauce, and the “effort” that will be required to keep our bar what it is. I believe that the effort required to be a more collegial and civil lawyer, and to having a bar that is the envy of most others—is fun. The key to civility and collegiality is fun. It’s having fun with the members of this bar.

I have found that it is hard to be uncivil to someone that I have high-fived at a Knights or Aviators game. And while it may have seemed mean at the time, I find it hard to be mean to someone who has sat next to me and overheard me singing along at a musical at the Smith Center, or who I have had lunch with at a midday CLE, or who I have walked with on a charity 5k.

And I really find it hard to be uncivil with the folks I’ve done some bar crawls with. It’s just hard to be uncivil to someone you have had fun with, and it’s harder for them, too.

The lawyers who make up the CCBA already know this to be true. But it never hurts to put a little focus on it. And it sure doesn’t hurt to have a good time. We have some great events coming up over the next few months, none more epic or fun than our annual Meet Your Judges Mixer on September 7, 2023, from 5:30 to 8:30 at The Las Vegas Country Club. I hope you’ll join me to have some fun with the members of your legal community soon.

About this article: This article was originally published in the Communiqué, the official publication of the Clark County Bar Association, (Sep. 2023). See https://clarkcountybar.org/about/member-benefits/communique-2023/communique-september-2023/

About the author
Brandon Kemble

Brandon Kemble is an Assistant City Attorney in the Civil Division with the City of Henderson. Brandon handles litigation for the City and provides legal advice and legislative support for various City departments. Brandon serves as the CCBA President through December 2023.

© 2023 Clark County Bar Association (CCBA). All rights reserved. No reproduction of any portion of this issue is allowed without written permission from the publisher. Editorial policy available upon request.

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