An Insight Into the Eighth Judicial District Court’s Business Court

As many practitioners know, the Eighth Judicial District Court has a specialty business court with five judges acting as business court judges: Judge Nancy L. Allf, Judge Mark R. Denton, Judge Susan H. Johnson, Judge Joanna S. Kishner, and Judge Timothy C. Williams. Learn more in this feature written by Jennifer Braster, Esq.

Commissions & Committees: Another Aspect of The Supreme Court of Nevada

These committees and commissions are taking on a wide variety of tasks, including standardizing court practices and procedures, improving litigants’ access to justice, and improving judicial administration. I take this opportunity to provide an update on three commissions that may be of particular interest. Read more in this installment of “View from the Bench” written by Justice Ron Parraguirre (COMMUNIQUÉ, Apr. 2022)