CCBA’s Blanket the Homeless Program Needs Your Help

This year, the CCBA’s Community Service Committee will be helping to provide blankets to U.S. VETS Las Vegas. Learn how you can make a difference 👀

We are seeking support for “Blanket the Homeless” a community service program of the Clark County Bar Association (CCBA). The annual activity helps to provide rescue blankets to local organizations that serve people in need of housing. The blankets help people to stay warm as the fall and winter seasons grow colder.

This year, the CCBA’s Community Service Committee will be helping to provide blankets to U.S. VETS Las Vegas.

CCBA member Paul Ray commented, “U. S. Vets is a nonprofit organization operated by an amazing team of people who really care about veterans. U.S. Vets helps homeless veterans by bringing them in, finding their VA benefits records and providing them essentials including clothing, meals, a room to stay in, job search resources and other services they need to get back on their feet.”

Bar members are invited to help provide the gift of new rescue blankets to individuals experiencing homelessness. Please help our efforts by:

  • Volunteering to serve lunch to people at U.S. VETS Las Vegas on Saturday, December 3, 2022. Volunteers will be needed from 11:30 AM to 1 PM. To volunteer for this group activity, contact

Monies donated after the purchase of blankets this year (end of October) will be used toward the purchase of blankets for this community service program next year.

Thanks so much!

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