Clark County Court Order in re Election-Related Actions

See Administrative Order 20-21.

On October 13, 2020, Eighth Judicial District Court Chief Judge Linda Marie Bell filed an order in the administrative matter of election-related actions filed on November 3, 2020. See Administrative Order 20-21 (PDF):

In the order, the court expresses its intention “to prepare for the possibility that actions pertaining to the election process may be filed during or after regular business hours and further intends to implement a fair and expeditious process by which election-related actions can be heard and adjudicated through the end of Election Day.”

The court encourages litigants to include the terms “Election-Related Action” in the caption of the pleading “to help assure the proper designation of their actions as election-related actions.” The court encourages litigants to file election-related actions electronically.

The order lists extended hours at the Clerk’s Office to process the filing of election-related actions.

For more information, see Court Rules and Administrative Orders at

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