
Legal Services Corporation Notice of Grant Funds Available for Calendar Year 2024

In accordance with LSC’s multiyear funding policy, grants are available for only specified service areas.

The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) announces the availability of grant funds to provide civil legal services to eligible clients during calendar year 2024. In accordance with LSC’s multiyear funding policy, grants are available for only specified service areas. On or around March 14, 2023, LSC will publish the list of service areas for which grants are available, and the service area descriptions at https://www.lsc.gov/grants-grantee-resources/our-grantprograms/basic-field-grant/lsc-service-areas. The Request for Proposals (RFP), which includes instructions for preparing the grant proposal, will be published at https://www.lsc.gov/grants-grantee-resources/our-grantprograms/basic-field-grant on or around April 14, 2023. Applicants must file a Pre-Application and grant proposal through LSC’s grants management system to participate in the grants process.

Please visit https://www.lsc.gov/grants-granteeresources/our-grant-programs/basic-field-grant for filing dates, applicant eligibility, submission requirements, and updates regarding the LSC grants process. Please email inquiries pertaining to the LSC grants process to LSCGrants@lsc.gov.

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