
Legal Technology Enhances the Lives of Lawyers

“Done correctly, legal technology can remove existing barriers and positively impact the legal industry.” Read more from CCBA President Nedda Ghandi in her message to members published in the bar journal Communiqué (Oct. 2022).

While this issue focuses on legal issues in cyber law, there is an additional consideration to be made as to how legal technology is evolving. The past few years have seen a shift in using technology to understand the business of law and not just focusing solely on the practice of law. We are no longer simply using technology for practice management, legal research, or billing applications and software. Law firms need to start using technology in the way corporations would to drive the business of law and optimize their practice. Technological solutions involve an investment, which means spending the necessary money to meet client demands. While some law firms may show resistance, the winning, competitive firms will understand the value these technologies add to their business.

Legal technology enhances the lives of lawyers with remote work opportunities, constant connectivity, better timekeeping and billing, and more. Legal technology is also evolving to solve the overload of information and data that is endemic in the practice. Law firms realize the value of artificial intelligence for managing day-to-day tasks. Another priority for law firms should be optimal data security and privacy. Cybercrime is on the rise, especially in the legal sector. As law firms shift from in-person to a remote or hybrid work environment, more and more sensitive information is at risk from a hack or breach from bad actors. Law firms have a responsibility not only to their own businesses but to provide their clients with the assurance that the systems and processes they are using provide the best available protection.

Technology has also made modern clients more anxious than ever, and they expect fast responses to questions and concerns from legal teams. Clients are looking for attorneys who are available and ready to answer questions and provide comfort with the stress involved in their cases. This puts considerable strain on lawyers, but opportunities are available for law firms to invest in solutions that can resolve these demands. To promote work-life balance, law firms can consider working with partner organizations or establishing 24/7 website and phone access to help clients when lawyers and legal teams are unavailable.

Though traditional in its approach, the legal industry is becoming more and more comfortable with automation, remote hearings, video conferences, and other technology offerings that improve client communications, streamline workflows, and enhance work-life balance. Done correctly, legal technology can remove existing barriers and positively impact the legal industry.

About this article: This article was originally published in the “Cyber Law” issue of Communiqué, the official publication of the Clark County Bar Association, (October 2022). See https://clarkcountybar.org/member-benefits/communique-2022/communique-october-2022/.

About the author
Nedda Ghandi

Nedda Ghandi, Esq. is a partner with Ghandi Deeter Blackham Law Office. Nedda’s primary practice area involves bankruptcy for both individual and business debtors. She also litigates complex family law cases that often involve family-owned businesses or complicated financial battles. Nedda serves as the president of the Clark County Bar Association through December 2022.

© 2022 Clark County Bar Association (CCBA). All rights reserved. No reproduction of any portion of this issue is allowed without written permission from the publisher. Editorial policy available upon request.

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