Classified Advertising Rates & Specs

Need to hire staff? Renting office space? Providing professional services? Place a classified ad in print (Communiqué) or online (

Classified Advertising Rates & Specs

Need to hire staff? Renting office space? Providing professional services? Place a classified ad in print (Communiqué) or online (

Advertising Order (Classifieds)
Placement (web or print)*
Payment type
Discount available to CCBA members! To learn more, select "payment via credit card (via phone)" and then call-in the payment to the CCBA office at 702-387-6011.

Payment to the Clark County Bar Association, 717 S. 8th Street, Las Vegas, NV, 89101. Phone (702-387-6011

Billing Info

*Notes: For web placements, the classified ads are published on The Marketplace page of the CCBA website through the calendar month (e.g. October 1 through October 31). For print placements, the classified ads are published in “The Marketplace” section in the back of the COMMUNIQUÉ per issue (e.g. January, February, March…) except for the month of July. (The June/July issue is combined and published in June.) Ads are to be comprised of text only; no logos, images, or special format requests will be accepted. Ads may run in alphabetic order under a listed category (e.g., Employment, Office Space, Services). You may suggest a category; however, classification of all ads is at the editor’s discretion and may be changed without notice. Any element surrounded by spaces is a word. Any word commonly found in the dictionary counts as one word, as do abbreviations, phone numbers, portions of an address, e-mail addresses, Web sites and URLs. Punctuation is free. Please check your ad for accuracy. The Clark County Bar Association is not responsible for errors that appear after the first placement is made. There is no discount for partial month placement; placements accepted after the 1st of the month do not receive a pro-rated discount. Payment is due upon placement of the ad order. Terms and conditions apply; see see Classified Advertising Rates & Specs.

Terms and conditions apply. See below.

Placement Options:

  • For print placement, the classified ads are published in “The Marketplace” section in the back of the bar journal, Communiqué per issue (e.g. January, February, March…) except for the month of July. (The June/July issue is combined and published in June.)
  • For web placement, the classified ads are published on The Marketplace page of the CCBA website through the calendar month (e.g. August 1 through August 31).


  • For print placement, ad copy and remittance must be received by the 1st of the month preceding cover (i.e., December 1 for the January issue). Communiqué is not published in the month of July. The combined June/July issue is released in June.
  • For web placement, ad copy and remittance must be received by the 28th of the month preceding the desired calendar month (i.e., December 28 for January 1 through January 31 exposure). Unless otherwise noted, CCBA may take up to 72 hours to post online after confirmed placement. There is no discount for partial month placement; placements accepted after the 1st of the month do not receive a pro-rated discount.

Ad Composition and format:

  • Ads are to be comprised of text only; no logos, images, or special format requests will be accepted.
  • Ads may run in alphabetic order under a listed category (e.g., Employment, Office Space, Services). You may suggest a category; however, classification of all ads is at the editor’s discretion and may be changed without notice.
  • Any element surrounded by spaces is a word. Any word commonly found in the dictionary counts as one word, as do abbreviations, phone numbers, portions of an address, e-mail addresses, Web sites and URLs. Punctuation is free.
  • Please check your ad for accuracy. The Clark County Bar Association is not responsible for errors that appear after the first edition is distributed.

Terms & Conditions:

Rate: $50.00 for 1 placement (print or web) of a classified ad composed of 700 characters (including spaces) max.

Discount may be available for current CCBA members only. To confirm discount, contact

Ads will not be placed until payment is received. If your company or agency’s accounting procedures require an invoice for payment, please provide a reference number, if applicable.

Payment information may be submitted to the Clark County Bar Association via one of the following methods:

  • Phone: Call in to 702-387-6011 (7am-5pm, Monday-Friday)
  • PayPal: Send the name of purchaser and email or mobile phone number associated with their PayPal account to executive director Donna Wiessner at
  • Check: Send check payable to the Clark County Bar Association, PO Box 657 Las Vegas, NV 89125 or deliver it to our office at 717 S. 8th Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101.
    • Fax: Send to 702-387-7867

Classifieds are non-commissionable and must be paid in advance.

The advertiser assumes all responsibility for materials and copy submitted to be published.

It is expressly understood that the advertiser and advertising agency will indemnify, defend and hold the publisher and its agents, servants, directors and employees harmless from and against any and all losses, expenses or other liabilities resulting from any claims or suits for libel, violation or rights of privacy, plagiarism, copyright infringement, and any other claims or suits that may arise out of the publication of such an advertisement, including reasonable lawyer’s fees in defending against any such claim.

The publisher shall not be liable for any damages if for any reason he fails to publish an advertisement. In the event of an error in the advertisement caused by the publisher, its agents, directors or employees, the liability of the publisher for those individuals will not exceed the cost of the placement paid by the advertiser for the original/erroneous copy. No allowance will be made for errors that do not materially affect the value of the advertisement.

Advertising material will be limited to the products and services provided by the advertiser.

All materials and copy will be subject to the final approval of the publisher as to quality and content of ads.

All advertisers must adhere to all specification, standards and policies contained on this official rate card.