Letters of interest must be received by the close of Monday, March 31, 2025
The United States District Court for the District of Nevada is accepting applications for three Lawyer Representatives: two in Reno and one in Las Vegas. Lawyer Representatives assist the Court with improving the administration of justice. They provide vital input to the Court on a myriad of issues affecting the operations of the federal courts including but not limited to rule changes; development of new programs; planning of conferences; and applications for the expenditure of funds from the Attorney Admissions Fund, a non-appropriated account. Lawyer representatives also assist with educating members of the Bar generally about conferences and obtaining feedback for future conferences; promoting and judging the Ninth Circuit high school civics contest and local civics outreach; and finding ways to improve the general dialogue between the Court and Bar to make improvements in the judicial system.
To be considered for one of these positions, you must be: 1) admitted to practice in the U.S. District Court of Nevada and actively involved in federal practice; 2) interested in the purpose and work of the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference, and willing to actively contribute to the planning of the Conference; and 3) willing to actively contribute to the planning of the District Conference, and 4) willing to assist in implementing Circuit Conference and District Court programs with local bar associations. Lawyer Representatives are expected to attend the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference and the District Conference.
In addition to the above criteria, a goal of the Court is to ensure selected attorneys represent a cross-section of practitioners in federal court which specializes in civil, criminal, appellate and bankruptcy matters. Lawyer Representatives are elected to serve a three-year term. The term of the current positions is effective September 1, 2025.
If you are interested in serving as a Lawyer Representative, please submit a letter of interest detailing your federal experience and reasons you would like to be considered to: NVD_LawyerRep@nvd.uscourts.gov. Please include your email address and direct telephone number.
Letters of interest must be received by the close of Monday, March 31, 2025. A list of finalists will be selected by the Court and submitted to the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada for the final selections. Please contact Ms. Kempi at (702) 464-5456 with questions regarding the role of a Lawyer Representative or the selection process.