Five Things to Know About the Change in Traffic Citations from Misdemeanors to Civil Infractions

“This does not mean that all traffic violations will be treated as civil infractions.” Read more from Lisa Szyc in this article published in the Five Things issue of the bar journal Communiqué (Jan. 2023).

Las Vegas Justice Court Launches Matterhorn Platform to Handle Traffic Citations

Individuals cited for a traffic citation may now enter a plea online using Las Vegas Justice Court’s new online platform, Matterhorn. Access traffic citations by using the link: After accessing a traffic case using the above website, users may…

LVJC Orders Temporary Procedures in Criminal Cases Alleging Traffic Offenses

On August 25, 2021, Las Vegas Justice Court Chief Justice of the Peace Melissa Saragosa and Supreme Court of Nevada Chief Justice James Hardesty filed an order in the administrative matter regarding temporary procedures in criminal cases alleging traffic offenses. See Administrative Order #21-09.