
2024 Judicial Candidate: Holly Stoberski

Learn about Holly Stoberski, candidate for Las Vegas Justice Court Department 4

This is a sample of the judicial candidate profile. List of items to be included are:

I take great pride in being a part of this community, both living and practicing law here for the past thirty years.  I am running for Las Vegas Justice of the Peace in Department 4, because I am dedicated to improving the safety of our community and ensuring that justice is served with fairness, integrity, and impartiality. I have had the privilege of actively serving as a Justice of the Peace, pro tem, in Clark County since 2011.  I have honorably presided over thousands of criminal and civil cases, including specialty courts, such as domestic violence, DUI, drug court, veteran’s court, and small claims. I have also conducted hundreds of preliminary hearings and presided over initial appearance court, misdemeanor criminal trials, applications for temporary and extended orders of protection, breach of contract actions, evictions, commercial and residential lease disputes, settlement conferences, and civil jury trials.

In addition to my extensive experience as a Justice of the Peace, pro tem, I have had the privilege of serving as an Administrative Appeal Hearing Officer for Clark County since 2012. I have handled and presided over hundreds of administrative appeal hearings involving violations of Clark County Codes related to the Building Department, Animal Protection Services, and Clark County Fire Department.  As a civil litigator, I have handled all aspects of complex litigation in state and federal courts, including discovery, motion practice, depositions, arbitrations, trial, and appellate proceedings.

I have the proven attributes that I believe contribute to a judge’s effectiveness in administrating justice, including impartiality, fairness, honesty in decision making, judicial temperament, decisiveness, and a commitment to upholding the law. I will be my honor to serve our community as a Justice of the Peace in Department 4.

Profiles are paid placements and do not constitute endorsements by the CCBA. For more information about this offer, see https://clarkcountybar.org/judicial-candidate-profile-offer-2024/.

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