By James E. Harper, Esq.
Newest Addition to Nevada’s Bankruptcy Bench Comes Back Home: U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Natalie M. Cox
When a Superior Force Meets an Immovable Object
By Connor H. Shea, Esq.
The Great Bankruptcy Flood of 2021: A Surge or the Start of a Steady Stream?
Small Business Reorganization Act Provides a Smoother Path to Chapter 11 Reorganization
Corporate Bankruptcies: Understanding your Fiduciary Duty as a Director
By Augusta Massey, Esq.
Student Loan Review: A Brief Analysis of Two Recent Student Loan Litigation Cases
By John Schneringer, Esq.
Las Vegas Justice Court Order #21-03 Effective April 1, 2021
The order cites the state’s restrictions on gatherings and updates court procedures related to a variety of court procedures, including virtual court sessions and unlawful detainer civil actions.
Writing a Hopeful Book About the Courts
By Chief Justice Hardesty
A Memorable Pro Bono Engagement
By Michele LoBello, Esq.