Clark County Law Library Dedication Honored Thomas D. Beatty, Esq.

On June 4, 2022, a dedication ceremony and Celebration of Life was held at the Clark County Law Library to honor the life and career of Thomas D. Beatty, Esq. Learn more from this piece written by Summer Youngquist, law librarian at the Clark County Law Library.

On June 4, 2022, a dedication ceremony and Celebration of Life was held at the Clark County Law Library to honor the life and career of Thomas D. Beatty, Esq. The Law Library conference room was dedicated to the memory of Thomas D. Beatty, Esq. for his nearly 40 years of unwavering dedication and service to the Clark County Law Library Board of Trustees. Mr. Beatty served as President of the Law Library Board from 1982 until his passing on April 27, 2020.

Those attending the ceremony and celebration of life included family and colleagues of Mr. Beatty. Speakers included Chanteyl Hasse, Law Library Director; Hon. Philip M. Pro (Ret.); Mrs. Sharon Beatty; Ms. Linda Snyder; and Tamara Beatty-Peterson, President, Clark County Law Library Board of Trustees.

In addition to his service to the Law Library, Mr. Beatty was a staple in the legal community of Las Vegas. Whether his work in private practice, the Public Defender’s office, or District Attorney’s Office, his involvement in numerous commissions, panels, and committees, or lecturing, training, and mentoring, Mr. Beatty was a true champion of justice.

The Law Library is honored to house a portrait of Mr. Beatty as well as an exhibit highlighting many of his professional achievements. The Law Library also has many books in its collection which Mr. Beatty has donated over the years, as well as the comparative analysis he wrote on Nevada law, rules, and practice with the A.B.A. standards of criminal justice.

About this article: This article was originally published in the Communiqué, the official publication of the Clark County Bar Association, (September 2022). See

About the author

Summer Youngquist is the law librarian at the Clark County Law Library.

© 2022 Clark County Bar Association (CCBA). All rights reserved. No reproduction of any portion of this issue is allowed without written permission from the publisher. Editorial policy available upon request.

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