Las Vegas Justice Court Administrative Order #22-09 – Amended

On December 1, 2022, the Las Vegas Justice Court filed an amended order in the administrative matter regarding fees imposed by the Justice Court of the Las Vegas Township. See Administrative Order #22-09 (Amended) (PDF). The order is effective December 1, 2022 and immediately supersedes Administrative Order #11-12.

On December 1, 2022, the Las Vegas Justice Court filed an amended order in the administrative matter regarding fees imposed by the Justice Court of the Las Vegas Township. See Administrative Order #22-09 (Amended) (PDF). The order is effective December 1, 2022 and immediately supersedes Administrative Order #11-12.

Administrative Order #22-09 (Amended) includes an updated schedule of fees that shall be charged by the Las Vegas Justice Court as they are critical to maintain operations and provide access to justice. Fees are related to all court divisions, civil actions, civil traffic infractions, small claims, summary evictions, and specialty court participation. An excerpt from the order is listed below.

“Section 1 – General – Fees Applicable in all Court Divisions

(1) For postage and mailing (when the requester of records does not provide a self­-addressed, stamped envelope)–$2.00;

(2) For each point-of-sale transaction–$5.50;1

(3) For the non-expedited retrieval of a file from off-site storage for copies, research, or any other reason–$10.00;

(4) For a copy of a JAVS recording of a court proceeding–$25.00;

(5) For registering with the Court for community service in lieu of fines, fees, or civil penalties–$25.00;

(6) For issuing a check returned for insufficient funds (“NSF Fee”)–$35.00;

(7) For rush or same-day file retrieval from off-site storage–$35.00;

(8) For collecting, posting, and acting upon cash bail posted for the release of a person from custody at the Clark County Detention Center–$40 per transaction;

(9) For attorney access to the Odyssey Case-Management System–$150.00 annually.

Section 2 – Civil Actions, Civil Traffic Infractions, Small Claims, and Summary Evictions

(1) For the filing of an application for default judgment –$15.00;

(2) For the filing of a motion for summary judgment–$15.00;

(3) For the filing of an amended complaint for summary eviction–$25.00;

(4) For the filing of a renewal of judgment–$25.00.

Section 3 – Specialty Court Participation Fees

(1) For missing a drug screen or testing positive on a drug screen–$25.00;

(2) For missing a required appointment in a specialty court program–$75.00;

(3) For performing and evaluating/assessing for eligibility for a specialty court program-­Sl00.00;

(4) For missing a treatment facility’s initial evaluation–$150.00;

(5) For the veterans’ treatment court program fee–$600.00;

(6) For the drug court program fee–$750.00;

(7) For the DUI serious offender program fee–$800.00.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Administrative Order will become effective on November 10, 2022; and

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Administrative Order immediately supersedes Administrative Order #11-12.

1Of this amount, $5.00 is paid to the vendor, and $0.50 is retained by the Court.”

For more information and to get a copy of the order, visit the court’s website at

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