North Las Vegas Justice Court Admin Order #2023-01

The North Las Vegas Justice Court is requiring mandatory e-filing for all new civil cases as well as subsequent pleadings filed by an attorney, effective October 2, 2023.

On August 14, 2023, the North Las Vegas Justice Court filed an order in the administrative matter re: mandatory electronic filing. See Administrative Order #2023-01.

The North Las Vegas Justice Court is requiring mandatory e-filing for all new civil cases as well as subsequent pleadings filed by an attorney, effective October 2, 2023. This project aims to use technology to improve service to the public, expand access, save time, and reduce the use of paper. Self-represented litigants are exempt from this obligation and will be assisted by court staff.

There is no fee for e-filing except for convenience fees associated with payments made via debit or credit card. Frequent filers are encouraged to request a deposit account for the payment of filing fees.

Please follow this link for information on how to request an e-filing and/or deposit account. Instructions will be provided upon account creation.

Link to the NLVJC eFile page:

See below for a link to a PDF file of Administrative Order #2023-01:

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