Public Speaking CLE Free for CCBA Members on June 21, 2023

On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, public speaking coach Amy Ayoub will make a special presentation for the continuing legal education of Nevada lawyers in a lunchtime learning program produced by the Clark County Bar Association…

On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, public speaking coach Amy Ayoub will make a special presentation for the continuing legal education of Nevada lawyers in a lunchtime learning program produced by the Clark County Bar Association and sponsored by the Bank of Nevada and Las Vegas Legal Video

Amy Ayoub, a lifelong Las Vegan, combined her passion for public speaking and helping others when creating The Zen Speaker, a public speaking coaching company. Amy helps clients on their journey to share their stories, find peace behind the podium, and move audiences to action.

Amy has been appointed by various Nevada governors and senators to four state and federal commissions. She was the first female appointed to the Athletic Commission, better known as the boxing commission. In February 2013, she testified before the Nevada State Assembly and Senate Judiciary Committees, using her personally inspiring survivor story in support of Assembly Bill 67, which increased penalties for those convicted of sex trafficking.

Her life story is one of resilience, inspiration, and accomplishment and has prompted Culture Dog Films to produce a documentary, The Zen Speaker: Breaking the Silence, that is resonating with anyone interested in turning their personal adversity into personal triumph.

Please join the CCBA for this special presentation.

“Improve Your Public Speaking: Be Calm, Confident and Compelling” – a CLE program

Produced by Michael Wendlberger of the CCBA’s CLE Committee

  • Speaker: Amy Ayoub, President, The Zen Speaker
  • Course Description: Every time you speak, you are branding yourself and your company. When in a crowded marketplace where others have similar expertise and experience, your communication skills will give you a competitive edge. Just making a few slight changes in your communication skills will create a significant difference in how you impact your audience. This is true whether you are speaking to one person or an arena full of people. Through this training you will:
    • Become calm, confident, and compelling when you’re in the spotlight
    • Gain instant credibility with your audience
    • Conquer anxiety through proven techniques you can practice anywhere
    • Learn to present in a conversational and engaging manner
    • Discover and share your unique story to create a personal connection
  • Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2023
  • Time: 12 to 1:15 pm
  • Where: Online via Zoom
  • Offers: 1.0 General CLE Credit for Nevada lawyers
  • RSVP Deadline: June 19, 2023
  • RSVP form: at

All RSVPs must be made to the CCBA at least 48 hours before the event starts. Pricing of the live webcast event is included with the 2023 CCBA membership.

CCBA membership will be verified upon RSVP. During the event, attendance will be taken and only those Nevada lawyers in attendance will have their attendance reported to Nevada’s Board of Continuing Legal Education.

The event will be recorded for use in the CCBA’s audio/visual library. The recorded versions of the program will be offered for rental use at a small fee (to cover administrative costs).

For more information or to RSVP for this event, contact Stephanie Abbott at or (702) 387-6011.

About this article: This article was originally published in the “Membership Matters” issue of Communiqué, the official publication of the Clark County Bar Association, (June/July. 2023). See

© 2023 Clark County Bar Association (CCBA). All rights reserved. No reproduction of any portion of this issue is allowed without written permission from the publisher. Editorial policy available upon request.

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