Special Offers on CLE for Nevada Lawyers

We are pleased to offer programming, reporting, and discounts on continuing legal education (CLE) for Nevada lawyers. Learn more…

We are pleased to offer programming, reporting, and discounts on continuing legal education (CLE) for Nevada lawyers.

CLE Programming

The CCBA offers a variety of live, recorded, and alternative format programs for the continuing legal education (CLE) to Nevada lawyers. View the options listed on our website at https://clarkcountybar.org/marketplace/cle-programs/ or view the CCBA Audio/Visual Library Catalog published in last month’s issue of the Communiqué (Nov. 2021).

CLE Reporting

The CCBA can report attendance (to the Nevada Board of Continuing Legal Education) for Nevada lawyers who have registered for and completed the CCBA’s CLE programs. For live programs, attendance is taken at the event (live or webcast). For recorded programs, attendance can only be taken for those participating attorneys who attest they completed the program by sending an email to CCBA staff (Donnaw@clarkcountybar.org) with the relevant attendance information as follows:

  • Nevada lawyer’s name and Nevada Bar #
  • Title of the program
  • Date on which they completed the program

We will submit the lawyer’s record of attendance directly with the Nevada Board of Continuing Legal Education and send a confirmation of the filing to the attendee via email. If the attendee has attended the live program or previously rented or purchased any of these titles, the CLE credit(s) will not be awarded again.

To help us to help the attorneys to make their Nevada CLE reporting deadline of 12/31/2021, we need the participating attorneys to submit their attendance information (for the recorded programs) to the CCBA staff BEFORE 12/25/2021.

CLE Passport

The CCBA CLE Passport is available for CCBA members only and offers* 13.0 CLE Credits (NV) from the CCBA for only $200. Order the passport at ClarkCountyBar.org or call the CCBA office at (702) 387-6011.

*Restrictions apply to use of the CLE Passports. For more information, see the CCBA Audio/Visual Library Catalog available in the Communiqué (Nov. 2021), online at https://clarkcountybar.org/marketplace/cle-programs/, and available from the CCBA staff upon request.

About this article: This article was originally published in the “Pro Bono” issue of Communiqué, the official publication of the Clark County Bar Association, (December 2021). See https://clarkcountybar.org/about/member-benefits/communique-2021/communique-december-2021/.

© 2021 Clark County Bar Association (CCBA). All rights reserved. No reproduction of any portion of this issue is allowed without written permission from the publisher. Editorial policy available upon request.

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