
Become a CASA Volunteer in Clark County

“The CASA program, which is part of the Family Division of the Eighth Judicial District Court, recruits, screens, trains, and supports volunteers to represent the best interests of foster children in Clark County.” Read more from Mary Ann Price in this article published in the Five Things issue of the bar journal Communiqué (Jan. 2023).

Five Things to Know About the Trial By Peers Program

“Participants charged with misdemeanors are tried, defended, and sentenced by their peers (teens approximately their own age) in court before a judge and with the assistance of a senior attorney.” Read more from Doreen Spears Hartwell in this article published in the Five Things issue of the bar journal Communiqué (Jan. 2023).

Five Things to Know About the Change in Traffic Citations from Misdemeanors to Civil Infractions

“This does not mean that all traffic violations will be treated as civil infractions.” Read more from Lisa Szyc in this article published in the Five Things issue of the bar journal Communiqué (Jan. 2023).

Five Things to Know About the 82nd Legislative Session

“The Nevada Constitution provides that the legislature is to convene on the first Monday of February following the election of the assembly and is to adjourn sine die 120 calendar days following its commencement.” Read more from Shea Backus in this article published in the Five Things issue of the bar journal Communiqué (Jan. 2023).

Five Things to Know About the Rosenberg Spy Case

“Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage in 1951 for their roles in spying for the Soviet Union.” Read more from Tamara Beatty Peterson and David Astur in this article published in the Five Things issue of the bar journal Communiqué (Jan. 2023).

Five Reasons to Take a Pro Bono Case Today

“When you take a pro bono case, you reduce the access to justice gap in our community and provide a voice to the voiceless.” Read more from Michael Wendlberger in this installment of the column “Pro Bono Corner” published in the Five Things issue of the bar journal Communiqué (Jan. 2023).

Five Tips for Re-committing to Civility and Comradery

“We all got more comfortable working from home and making virtual court appearances, which might make us more efficient lawyers and save our clients some money, but we all know what we lost during the pandemic as lawyers.” Read more from this message from CCBA President Brandon Kemble published in the Five Things issue of the bar journal Communiqué (Jan. 2023).