Trial By Peers Trivia Bash Helps Teen Court Program

We are pleased to announce the results of last night’s Trial By Peers Trivia Bash!

We are pleased to announce the results of last night’s Trial By Peers Trivia Bash!

Congratulations to Adam Ganz who wins the top prize courtesy of World Wide Digital Broadcasting! Congratulations to Joshua Portacio, Alicia Exley, and Jason Stoffel for grabbing second, third, and fourth place respectively! The winners will need to reach out to Patrick Montejano, director of the Clark County Law Foundation, to arrange for receipt of their respective prizes.

Special thanks to our friends at Litigation Services for hosting the virtual event. Special thanks to our MC Judge Frank Sullivan and special guests Judge Nancy Allf and Justice Elissa Cadish, and to all of you who participated in the trivia game. Special thanks to CCBA Community Service Committee Chair Paul Lal and CCLF President Patrick Orme for their brief presentations about the Clark County Bar Association and the Clark County Law Foundation. Thanks to Alexis Brown and several former peer counselors for their presentations about Trial By Peers program. We are truly grateful to everyone who helped us to reach our goal for the night.

We had a great time, learned a lot about the program, and raised over $1,000 with this event. And, as we learned from one of the trivia questions, we know that it costs the Clark County Law Foundation $400 to process each case through the Trial By Peers Program. So, the Clark County Law Foundation will continue to welcome donations to support Trial By Peers.

We invite you to share the following information about the program with your friends, family, and colleagues:

The Trial By Peers program, established in 1995, provides junior and senior high school students with civics and legal education culminating with a “junior bar examination” that enables the trained students to be sworn in as “Peer Counselors.” These students represent a broad spectrum of diverse backgrounds and experiences. The trained Peer Counselors represent accused youth in a juvenile diversion program. This program affords all students an opportunity to learn about the law, meet judges, work with attorneys while allowing other youth to be represented, prosecuted, and judged by their peers for alleged misdeeds. In addition to the educational and community service afforded by Trial By Peers, it also alleviates the caseload of the overburdened courts. Please donate to support the Trial By Peers program:

Thanks so much!

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