Mental Health CLE Program for Nevada Lawyers Set for April 27, 2022

Join us for a discussion about improving your mental health in today’s stressful climate.
“Taking Steps to Improve Your Mental Health” will be held online via Zoom, from 12:00 to 1:15 p.m., Wednesday, April 27, 2022. The presentation will offer 1.0 Substance Abuse/Addiction/Mental Health (AAMH) CLE credit (NV) to CCBA members only. Pricing of the event is included with the 2022 CCBA membership.

Walk with CCBA’s Team to Support Children’s Heart Foundation on April 23

CCBA’s Community Service Committee is walking to support the efforts of the Children’s Heart Foundation, a non-profit organization in Southern Nevada, in the 19th Annual Walk with the Heart of a Child on Saturday, April 23, 2022. Bar members are invited to join our team—Clark County Bar Association.

Walk with CCBA’s Team to Support American Suicide Prevention on April 9

The CCBA’s Community Service Committee is walking to support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. AFSP Nevada will be hosting the Out of the Darkness Las Vegas Walk on Saturday, April 9, 2022. Bar members are invited to join our team—Clark County Bar Association.

Not All News From The Southern Nevada Health District Is COVID-19 Related

With the COVID-19 response entering its third year, Health District staff can refocus on public health, as a whole. To that end, the environmental health division of the Southern Nevada Health District has been diligently working behind the scenes and is ready to make updates to several regulations. Read more in this informative piece written by Heather Anderson-Fintak, Esq. and Ed Wynder, Esq. (COMMUNIQUÉ, Apr. 2022)

Commissions & Committees: Another Aspect of The Supreme Court of Nevada

These committees and commissions are taking on a wide variety of tasks, including standardizing court practices and procedures, improving litigants’ access to justice, and improving judicial administration. I take this opportunity to provide an update on three commissions that may be of particular interest. Read more in this installment of “View from the Bench” written by Justice Ron Parraguirre (COMMUNIQUÉ, Apr. 2022)

Legal Aid Can Help!

The client is short on funds but is facing a real crisis. You weigh your options, you want to help, but your caseload is crazy. You don’t have the time or resources to learn a new area of law. Ultimately, you decide to turn the client away. As they leave, you’re saddened and wonder, could you have done more to help this client? Read more in this installment of “Pro Bono Corner” written by Michael Wendlberger, Esq. (COMMUNIQUÉ, Apr. 2022)