By Chief Justice Kristina Pickering and Judge Tierra Jones
View From the Bench – Stemming the Tide: LVJC’s Mediation Program for Evictions
By Las Vegas Justice Court Chief Judge Melissa Saragosa
Volunteers Needed for Client Counseling Competition on October 16 & 17, 2020
To volunteer, complete the sign up form no later than Friday, October 9, 2020.
View from the Bench: Las Vegas Municipal Court – Update
By Las Vegas Municipal Court Chief Judge Cynthia Leung
Pro Bono Corner: Find the Pro Bono Matters That Feed the Area of Law You Love
By Patrick J. Reilly, Esq.
Nevada Appellate Court Summaries 9-3-20
By Joe Tommasino, Esq.
CCBA & UNLV Fall Mixer Set for October 22, 2020
RSVP to the CCBA no later than Wednesday, October 21, 2020.
Las Vegas Justice Court Order Rescinds Administrative Order #20-03
Additionally, in Administrative Order #20-18, the court ordered “that the Las Vegas Justice Court still will not issue, or enforce, any Traffic bench warrants until further order of the Court.”
October Bar Luncheon Features Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman and City Attorney Bryan Scott
RSVP to the CCBA no later than Friday, October 13, 2020.
New E-Filing Availability for Criminal Cases in Las Vegas Justice Court
Effective on September 14, 2020, the Las Vegas Justice Court’s Criminal Division will allow a document to be electronically filed through File & Serve if the document meets the following criteria: