Update to Business Bench-Bar Meeting – Jan 27, 2022

Due to Administrative Order 22-02, in person court appearances have been paused until 2/14/22.  So, the Business Court Bench Bar Meeting on Thursday, January 27, 2022 (12-1pm), will be held online only. The meeting will be live-streamed on the court’s home page at www.clarkcountycourts.us. See below for the agenda.

Employment Law Class Actions in Nevada CLE Program Set for February 8, 2022

Featured speakers are Montgomery Y. Paek and Diana G. Dickinson of Littler Mendelson. The program will be held online via Zoom, from 12:00 to 1:15 p.m., Tuesday, February 8, 2022. The presentation will offer 1.0 CLE credit to CCBA members only. Pricing of the event is included with the 2022 CCBA membership. This event is for CCBA members only.

Five Procedures to Keep You Bar Compliant CLE Program Set for January 19, 2022

On January 19, 2022, legal malpractice attorney Joel Selik will make a special presentation for the continuing legal education of Nevada lawyers in a program produced by the Clark County Bar Association. The program, “Five Procedures to Keep You Bar Compliant and Client Happy,” will provide Nevada lawyers with information relevant to the Rules of Professional Conduct. This CLE program will be held online via Zoom, from 12:00 to 1:15 p.m., that day. The presentation will offer 1.0 ethics CLE credit to CCBA members only. Pricing of the event is included with the 2022 CCBA membership.

Jim Berchtold to Present Landlord-Tenant CLE Program on December 16, 2021

Consumer rights lawyer Jim Berchtold will make a special presentation for the continuing legal education of Nevada lawyers in a program produced by the CCBA’s CLE Committee on Thursday, December 16, 2021. Berchtold will present “Landlord-Tenant Law in Nevada and the COVID-19 Impact” to highlight relevant information for Nevada lawyers. Pricing of the event is included with the 2021 CCBA membership. This event is for CCBA members only. CCBA membership will be verified upon RSVP.

40 Year Club Luncheon and Annual Meeting Set for December 2, 2021

On Thursday, December 2, 2021, the Clark County Bar Association (CCBA) will hold the election for the 2022 CCBA Executive Board of Directors on the same day of the Clark County Bar Association 40 Year Club Luncheon & Annual Meeting. This year’s ballot includes two uncontested races features five incumbents running to retain their seats on the board and one nominee vying for one open position on the board. The open position was created from the appointment of a current director to serve as secretary/treasurer for the organization next year. Attorney members are invited to cast their vote electronically by visiting www.ClarkCountyBar.org on the day of the event or by absentee ballot before December 2, 2021.

A. Collins Hunsaker to Present Estate Planning CLE Program on November 17, 2021

Estate planning lawyer A. Collins Hunsaker will make a special presentation for the continuing education of Nevada lawyers in a program produced by the CCBA’s CLE Committee on Wednesday, November 17, 2021. Collins will present “What Every Lawyer Should Know about Estate Planning” to highlight relevant information for Nevada lawyers. The presentation will cover the basics of estate planning. Topics to be discussed are: How to avoid Probate;
Planning with Trusts versus Wills;
Revocable vs. Irrevocable Trusts;
Asset Protection Planning with Trusts and other entities; Understanding taxation as it applies to estate planning. The presentation will offer 1.0 CLE credit and is for CCBA members only. Pricing of this CLE program is included with the 2021 CCBA membership. RSVP to the CCBA by 11/16/2021.

Nevada Lawyers to Present Legislative Update CLE Program on November 9, 2021

On November 9, 2021, three Nevada lawyers will make a special presentation for the continuing education of Nevada lawyers in a program produced by the CCBA’s CLE Committee. The program, “Legislative Update: Looking In & Out,” highlight relevant information related to the following topics: adoption, immigration, civil litigation, health care, education, criminal justice reform, and tips from the Legislator. RSVP to the CCBA by November 8, 2021.

CCBA Book Drive to Benefit Spread the Word Nevada

Members of the bar are invited to donate books to benefit Spread the Word Nevada. Now through December 31, 2021, drop-off new or gently-used books with Pre-K to 5th grade reading levels to the CCBA. No encyclopedias, coloring books, or library books. Call the CCBA at 702-387-6011 to confirm drop-off time and for more information.