October 23 – 29, the last week of October, is Pro Bono Week. Pro Bono Week is a time to celebrate you, the pro bono attorney. To celebrate, legal aid providers throughout Southern Nevada are planning numerous events, from free CLEs to Ask-A-Lawyer events to pro bono receptions.
On Tuesday, October 25th, a multi-agency Ask-A-Lawyer event will take place at the East Las Vegas Library from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm. This Ask-A-Lawyer will include volunteer attorneys donating their time to provide free legal consultations to the community.
Later in the week, Legal Aid Center will have a large reception thanking all pro bono attorneys. The reception will be a great time to see your colleagues and share all the incredible work you’ve accomplished throughout the year. I invite all pro bono attorneys to attend. And of course, no celebration is complete without your friends. So please get in touch with your friends and associates, bring them along, and ask them to participate in pro bono. Non-attorneys can also get involved by volunteering as a Volunteer Education Advocate.
Do you remember the first time you volunteered, doing something new with little to no experience? The nervous excitement? The worry that you may mess up? A real fish out of water? But do also you remember how good it felt when you finished? The incredible joy after you changed someone’s life forever. A feeling that can only be replicated by helping others. So please, invite your friends, and let’s make Pro Bono Week the best week ever!
About this article: This article was originally published in the “Cyber Law” issue of Communiqué, the official publication of the Clark County Bar Association, (October 2022). See https://clarkcountybar.org/member-benefits/communique-2022/communique-october-2022/.
About the author

Michael Wendlberger, Esq. is the Director of the Pro Bono Project at Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada. The Pro Bono Project pairs volunteer attorneys with screened clients in the areas of family, consumer, landlord tenant, civil rights, immigration, bankruptcy, and other areas of law. Interested lawyers can see learn more at https://www.lacsnprobono.org/.
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