Court Order Modifies Homicide Team, Reassigns Civil Cases

Effective September 8, 2020, Department 10 shall replace Department 3 on the Homicide Team. Department 10 shall serve as the Homicide Team Case Management Judge. The civil cases in Department 10 shall be reassigned to Department 3…

On September 3, 2020, the Eighth Judicial District Court Chief Judge Linda Bell filed an order in the administrative matter of modifying the homicide team and reassigning civil cases. See Administrative Order #20-20.

Administrative Order #20-20 refers to Rule 1.30(b) of the Rules of Practice for the Eighth Judicial District Court and states:

[E]ffective September 8, 2020, Department 10 shall replace Department 3 on the Homicide Team. Department 10 shall serve as the Homicide Team Case Management Judge. The civil cases in Department 10 shall be reassigned to Department 3. Court Administration shall attach a list of the reassigned cases as an exhibit to this order.

With the above changes, beginning on September 8, 2020, the Homicide Team will consist of the following judges:

Tierra D. Jones  Homicide Team Case Management Judge

Valerie Adair      Homicide Team Judge

Michelle Leavitt                Homicide Team Judge

Michael P. Villani              Homicide Team Judge”

For more information and get a copy of the order, see Court Rules and Administrative Orders at

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