
Five things you should be getting out of your CCBA membership

By James E. Harper, Esq.

As I begin my term as president of the Clark County Bar Association, I cannot look forward to the year ahead without expressing my deep gratitude and sincere thanks to our 2020 Immediate Past President Mariteresa Rivera-Rogers who steered us through an inconceivable year of new norms and a literal virtual reality. CCBA’s first Latinx president, nosotras estamos agradecidas por ti.

It is my great honor to serve as president of the CCBA for 2021. As a new lawyer, I first became involved with the CCBA’s Publications Committee in 2006 at the suggestion of past president, Dan Polsenberg. Elana Hatch was the president that year. For fifteen years, I have had the tremendous opportunity to serve and be mentored by many other presidents, committee members, directors of the board and our judicial liaison. These very talented and selfless individuals have instilled in me the same passion for this wonderful organization. I am looking forward to carrying the gavel this year and continuing the great traditions.
In keeping with this issue’s “5 Things” theme, here are the top five things you should be getting out of your CCBA membership.

Bar luncheons

Who doesn’t love a good lunch? For years, the CCBA has hosted monthly or bi-monthly luncheons at one of our city’s many fine dining establishments. Guest speakers have shared presentations on topics ranging from tips for practicing in federal court to the marketing plan of the Vegas Golden Knights. Although current health guidelines prevent us from meeting and dining in person, I invite you to participate in our virtual luncheons, conducted via Zoom, from your office or home. The virtual luncheons provide a forum to network with colleagues and still enjoy the guest speaker’s presentation, albeit while eating your brown bag lunch. While these virtual lunches are, of course, free, please remember to register ahead of the luncheon so you can gain access to the virtual meetings.

The most efficient and cost-effective CLE

CCBA’s CLE Committee produces exceptional CLE programs presented by Clark County attorneys on practice-specific topics that do not require you to miss an entire day of work or cost very much. CCBA members can purchase the CLE Passport for only $200 and gain immediate access to 13 CLE credits.* The CLE Passport includes live, recorded, and alternate format seminars produced by CCBA that are 2.0 hours or less. *Some restrictions apply. Especially given the current health guidelines, don’t miss out on taking advantage of the most efficient and cost-effective way to complete your CLE credit in 2021.

Accessing the website,

Visit the CCBA website to catch up on Nevada Appellate Court Summaries; find updates from local, state, and federal courts; read practical legal articles written by CCBA members and review digital copies of the Communiqué; view the CCBA event calendar; and to check out the Marketplace page for opportunities for employment, office space, and professional services.

Communiqué magazine

Read each issue, in its entirety, and take an active role in supporting the publication by writing an article, joining the Publication Committee, or taking advantage of advertising discounts.

Serve the community

CCBA’s Community Service Committee provides outreach services to the community at large in southern Nevada. The committee organizes activities for bar members to volunteer in support of local charities. Consider joining the committee or participating in one of the planned activities. During hard and frustrating times, serving others is a great antidote for stress.

As we begin a new year, appreciate that you are part of one of the oldest bar associations in the state of Nevada. Since 1934, CCBA has been a resource for the local legal community. Of course, our activities and services have adapted as the organization has grown. I’m pleased that one of our tenets is to promote professionalism. We pledge to serve clients with undivided allegiance; pay courts and tribunals respect, diligence, candor, and punctuality; and offer other counsel, and staff, courtesy, candor and cooperation. Take advantage of associating with CCBA members who are committed to the same standards of legal professionalism and continue the spirit and traditions of this great organization. See the Lawyer’s Pledge of Professionalism at https://clarkcountybar.org/about/lawyers-pledge-of-professionalism/.

About the author
james e. harper

James E. Harper is the founding member of Harper Selim, PLLC, a civil and commercial litigation firm. James’s practice is focused on insurance matters, including coverage and bad faith, and appellate matters. James is president of the CCBA through December 2021.

About this article

This article was originally published in the “Five Things” issue of Communiqué, the official publication of the Clark County Bar Association, (January 2021). See https://clarkcountybar.org/about/member-benefits/communique-2021/communique-january-2021/.

© 2020 Clark County Bar Association (CCBA). All rights reserved. No reproduction of any portion of this issue is allowed without written permission from the publisher. Editorial policy available upon request.

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