Justice Court Administrative Order 23-01 Regarding Judicial Authorization to Release Defendants on Their Own Recognizance

On January 26, 2023, an order in the administrative matter regarding judicial authorization to release defendants on their own recognizance was filed in the Las Vegas Justice Court. See Administrative Order 23-01.

On January 26, 2023, an order in the administrative matter regarding judicial authorization to release defendants on their own recognizance was filed in the Las Vegas Justice Court. See Administrative Order 23-01. It is a joint order with participation by township justice courts from Boulder, Bunkerville, Goodsprings, Henderson, Las Vegas, Laughlin, Mesquite, Moapa, Moapa Valley, North Las Vegas, and Searchlight.

The seven-page order cites Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure 81(b), Nevada Revised Statutes 178.4851 and 178.453, and the Nevada Pretrial Risk Assessment (NPRA). The order includes guidelines that “shall be applied to determine eligibility of persons for a release, without bail, on their own recognizance following an arrest without warrant based upon probable cause. This order specifically does not apply to persons arrested pursuant to an arrest warrant.” The order details administration of cases involving misdemeanors, gross misdemeanors, felonies, overriding disqualifications for any authorized release, release orders, and NPRA overrides.

Administrative Order 23-01 “shall supersede the previous LVJC Administrative Orders 13-01 and 18-04.” The order becomes effective upon the latest date of the signature listed in the order. For more information, download a copy of the order at https://www.lasvegasjusticecourt.us/.

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