Nevada lawyer Jessica E. Brown asks, “what are our requirements as lawyers, both with respect to implementing cybersecurity measures and remediating a breach?” in her article published in the Communiqué (Oct. 2022).
The Rise of NFTs: Opportunities and Liabilities
Learn about legal concerns related to non-fungible tokens in this article written by Nevada lawyer Caleb L. Green and published in the Communiqué (Oct. 2022).
Is Nevada Cyber Law Keeping Up with National Efforts to Protect its Residents Online?
Learn about the state of cyber law in this special feature written by Nevada lawyer Benjamin B. Gordon and published in the Communiqué (Oct. 2022).
The Virtual Advocacy Commission
Read this month’s installment of “View from the Bench” written by Nevada’s Chief Justice Ron Parraguirre and published in the Communiqué (Oct. 2022).
Discovery Issue of Communiqué Published
The May 2022 issue features content related to discovery matters, bar activities, and includes a special section with areas of practice listings.
Education Law Issue of COMMUNIQUÉ Published
This month’s issue of COMMUNIQUÉ features practical content for members of the local legal community including articles related to employment law, recurring columns, bar activities, and court news. Learn more…
Communiqué Content Opportunities for CCBA Members
By Stephanie Abbott